100+ Nervous System Solved MCQs with PDF Download (2024)

Table of Contents
Regarding muscle spindles: Regarding the dorsal column: Temperature sensation: Regarding visual receptors: Regarding sound and hearing: Regarding noradrenergic stimulation: Regarding cholinergic stimulation: The emotional component to pain is due to activation of: The chemical agent that initiates impulses in pain fibres is: Regarding thermoceptors: Regarding body temperature: Regarding the hypothalamus: Regarding the vomiting reflex, which is INCORRECT? Herring bodies are: The neurotransmitter secreted by primary afferent fibres for severe pain is: Regarding rods and cones: The visual cortex is situated at the: In the visual pathway: When a normal innervated skeletal muscle is stretched, the initial response is contraction, but with increasing stretch, the muscle suddenly relaxes because: In a polysynaptic reflex, which of the following happen when the strength of the adequate stimulus is increased? A tumour causing external compression to the anterior cervical spinal cord would beexpected to: Which of the following need to be intact for normal stereognosis: Bitemporal hemianopia is most likely to be caused by a lesion at the: Regarding temperature regulation, which is NOT true? When a visual stimulus falls on a given point in the retina for a long time: Which of the following affect visual activity? The ‘tympanic reflex’: Regarding pain transmission, which is NOT true? Which is NOT a part of the basal ganglia? With regard to pain pathways, all the following are true EXCEPT: Cerebellar disease in humans causes all of the following EXCEPT: The righting reflex is pronounced after sectioning of the neural axis above whichlevel: Regarding muscle spindles, which is NOT true? The action potential of a neuron (influx): The functions of tropomyosin in skeletal muscle include: Regarding the autonomic nervous system: Which of the following does NOT act via an intracellular receptor? Steps involved in skeletal muscle contraction include all of the following EXCEPT: Regarding the resting membrane potential in peripheral nerves: Regarding excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle, which statement isINCORRECT? Microglia: The action potential: Which of the following nerve fibre types is MOST sensitive to hypoxia? Regarding smooth muscle contractility, which statement is INCORRECT? Regarding smooth muscle, which statement is INCORRECT? A sarcomere: Type I muscle fibres: Regarding cardiac muscle, which statement is INCORRECT? Regarding denervation: Which of the following nerve fibre types is MOST sensitive to pressure? Regarding decerebration: Which of the following nerve fibre types has the LARGEST diameter? The following are NOT energy sources of muscle: Regarding sensory organ stimulation, which statement is INCORRECT? Regarding neurotransmitters, which of the following is INCORRECT? The stretch reflex: Which of the following is NOT present in smooth muscle cells? Regarding the structure of cardiac muscle, which statement is INCORRECT? Regarding the cardiac muscle action potential, which statement is INCORRECT? Which of the following nerve fibre types represents the efferent limb of the musclespindle reflex arc? Regarding neuromuscular transmission, which statement is INCORRECT? Regarding the structure of skeletal muscle, which statement is INCORRECT? Which of the following nerve fibre types has the fastest conduction velocity? Regarding the nerve fibre action potential, which statement is INCORRECT? Which of the following nerve fibre types is MOST sensitive to local anaestheticblockade? Regarding neurotoxins, which statement is INCORRECT? Regarding conduction of nerve impulses, which statement is INCORRECT? B nerve fibres transmit impulses of which modality? Regarding nerve fibres, which statement is INCORRECT? Regarding skeletal muscle, which statement is INCORRECT? Which of the following nerve fibre types has the LEAST myelin? A-alpha nerve fibres transmit impulses of which modality? Unmyelinated neurons: In skeletal muscle: Dorsal root (type C) fibres: Saltatory conduction: A motor unit is made up of: The role of calcium in excitation/contraction couple in skeletal muscle is: A decrease in extracellular K+: Tetanic contraction of skeletal muscle: With respect to nerve fibre types: In visceral smooth muscle: Inhibitory post synaptic potentials involve: In skeletal muscle relaxation: Regarding synapses: Which of the following is inhibitory neurotransmitter? Which of the following nerves is NOT of fibre type A? Which nerve fibre is MOST susceptible to local anaesthetics? Which nerves have the biggest diameter and faster conduction velocity? In excitation-contraction of skeletal muscle, calcium binds to: Myosin binding sites on actin are normally covered by: With regard to skeletal muscle, which is INCORRECT? Noradrenaline: Acetylcholine: The functions of tropomyosin in skeletal muscle include: Membrane potential: Gamma amino butyric acid: Substance P: Opioid peptides: Regarding the autonomic nervous system: FAQs References
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  • Physiology
  • Nervous System
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  • Nerves and Muscles
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Chapter: Nervous System


Regarding muscle spindles:

A. are composed of extrafusal fibres
B. receive δ efferents
C. all subtypes send afferents via “flower spray” ended 1a nerves
D. nuclear chain fibres show dynamic response
E. afferent discharge decreased with muscle stretch
Answer» B. receive δ efferents



Regarding the dorsal column:

A. carries ipsilateral pain and temperature
B. ascends to the nuclei gracillis and ?????
C. receives efferents from contralateral stimuli
D. sacral efferents lie laterally
E. runs anteriorly in the cord
Answer» B. ascends to the nuclei gracillis and ?????



Temperature sensation:

A. respond to compartitive temp gradient ??? skin
B. cold receptors predominate
C. warm receptors respond 30° - 100°
D. afferents carried via the dorsal column
E. warm and cold afferents carried via Ad fibre
Answer» B. cold receptors predominate



Regarding visual receptors:

A. rods predominate in the jovea
B. rhodopsin is the primary pigment of rods
C. lie anterior (superficial) to their neural pathway
D. colour blindness is an autosomal recessive gene
E. supplied by retinal vessels
Answer» B. rhodopsin is the primary pigment of rods



Regarding sound and hearing:

A. high pitched sounds are detected at the apex of the cochlear
B. Harr cells are bathed in endolymph
C. defected by hair cells found within the tectorium membrane
D. 95% of afferent neurones → outer ??? cells
E. supplied by retinal vessels
Answer» E. supplied by retinal vessels



Regarding noradrenergic stimulation:

A. miosis occurs
B. increases blood flow to the skin
C. increases thresholds in the reticular formation
D. causes erection in males
E. elevates free fatty acid levels
Answer» D. causes erection in males



Regarding cholinergic stimulation:

A. causes amylase secretion from salivary glands
B. decreases secretion from pancreatic ?????
C. relaxes the gallbladder
D. has no effect on renal arterioles
E. relaxes bronchial smooth muscle
Answer» D. has no effect on renal arterioles



The emotional component to pain is due to activation of:

A. post central gyrus
B. sylvian fissure
C. hippocampus
D. cingulated cortex
E. calcavine fissure
Answer» A. post central gyrus



The chemical agent that initiates impulses in pain fibres is:

B. substance P
C. Ca2+
D. H+
E. K+
Answer» B. substance P



Regarding thermoceptors:

A. there are more warm receptors than cold receptors
B. cold receptors respond to 10-38°C
C. afferents for cold receptors are C fibres only
D. afferents found in the ventral spinothalamic tract
E. respond to the temperature gradient across the skin
Answer» C. afferents for cold receptors are C fibres only



Regarding body temperature:

A. humans are poikilothermic
B. oral temperature is usually higher than rectal temperature
C. it is usually lowest at 6am
D. children have more precise temperature regulation
E. emotion has no effect on core temperature
Answer» E. emotion has no effect on core temperature



Regarding the hypothalamus:

A. it has neural connections with the anterior pituitary gland
B. it integrates the vomiting reflex
C. the anterior hypothalamus responds to cold
D. it controls circadian rhythms via the supraoptic nuclei
E. it has osmoreceptors in the anterior hypothalamus to stimulate thirst and vasopressin release
Answer» B. it integrates the vomiting reflex



Regarding the vomiting reflex, which is INCORRECT?

A. it is integrated by the medilla
B. breath is held in expiration
C. the glottis closes
D. it involves salivation
E. there are afferents from vestibular nuclei
Answer» B. breath is held in expiration



Herring bodies are:

A. nuclei of the hypothalamus
B. secretory granules in the posterior pituitary
C. circumventricular organs
D. neurons connecting vestibular nuclei with the vomiting centre
E. vesicles containing ACTH, TSH, GH, FSH, CH and PRL
Answer» C. circumventricular organs



The neurotransmitter secreted by primary afferent fibres for severe pain is:

A. glutamate
B. acetylcholine
C. substance P
D. opioid peptides
E. noradrenaline
Answer» D. opioid peptides



Regarding rods and cones:

A. Na+ channels are closed in the dark
B. light striking the outer segments results in a depolarising receptor potential
C. the receptor potentials are all-or-nothing
D. rhodopsin is a serpentine receptor
E. acetylcholine is released from the synaptic terminal
Answer» C. the receptor potentials are all-or-nothing



The visual cortex is situated at the:

A. parieto-occipital sulcus
B. cuneus
C. calcanine fissure
D. lateral geniculate body
E. angular gyrus
Answer» D. lateral geniculate body



In the visual pathway:

A. the lateral geniculate bodies are made up of t layers
B. fibres for reflex pupillary constriction leave the optic nerve at the optic chiasm
C. pituitary tumours can cause hom*onymous hemianopia
D. macular sparing may or may not occur with lesions in the geniculocalcanine tract
E. binasal visual field fibres decussate at the opticchiasm
Answer» D. macular sparing may or may not occur with lesions in the geniculocalcanine tract



When a normal innervated skeletal muscle is stretched, the initial response is contraction, but with increasing stretch, the muscle suddenly relaxes because:

A. with strong stretch, the efferent discharge is decreased
B. with strong stretch, the discharge from the annulospiral endings of afferent nerve fibres is inhibited
C. with strong stretch, there is decreased activity in the afferent nerve fibres from the Golgi tendon organs
D. with strong stretch, there is increased activity in the afferent nerve fibres from the Golgi tendon organs
E. because of reciprocal innervation, there is increased discharge in the afferent nerve fibres from the antagonists to the stretched muscle
Answer» E. because of reciprocal innervation, there is increased discharge in the afferent nerve fibres from the antagonists to the stretched muscle



In a polysynaptic reflex, which of the following happen when the strength of the adequate stimulus is increased?

A. the amplitude of the motor response is increased
B. the motor response spreads to include other muscles and even other limbs
C. there is increased inhibition of stretch reflexes
D. the duration of the motor response increases
E. all of the above are true
Answer» A. the amplitude of the motor response is increased



A tumour causing external compression to the anterior cervical spinal cord would beexpected to:

A. impair pressure and pain sensation mostly from sacral and lumbar areas
B. impair fine touch and vibration mostly from sacral and lumbar areas
C. impair pain only from cervical areas
D. impair vibration sense only from cervical areas
E. impair joint position from sacral areas only
Answer» D. impair vibration sense only from cervical areas



Which of the following need to be intact for normal stereognosis:

A. dorsal columns
B. parietal lobe
C. pressure pathways
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
Answer» B. parietal lobe



Regarding temperature regulation, which is NOT true?

A. the anterior hypothalamus contains temperature sensitive cells
B. shivering is activated by the posterior hypothalamus
C. the anterior hypothalamus controls mechanisms activated by heat
D. horripilation acts to increase heat production
E. fever is produced by the action of cytokines on the hypothalmus
Answer» E. fever is produced by the action of cytokines on the hypothalmus



When a visual stimulus falls on a given point in the retina for a long time:

A. the image becomes more clearly focused
B. there is adaptation in the visual cortex
C. the discharge rate in the bipolar cells increases
D. the pupils constrict
E. the image fades and disappears
Answer» A. the image becomes more clearly focused



Which of the following affect visual activity?

A. cataracts
B. vitamin A deficiency
C. astigmatism
D. contrast between stimulus and background
E. all of the above
Answer» E. all of the above



The ‘tympanic reflex’:

A. is activated by foreign bodies in the external auditory canal
B. results in vertigo
C. is activated by high-pitched sounds only
D. results in the decreased transmission of sound
E. none of the above
Answer» D. results in the decreased transmission of sound



Regarding pain transmission, which is NOT true?

A. ‘fast pain’ fibres are Aδ fibres
B. ‘slow pain’ fibres are C fibres
C. substance P is the central transmitter
D. all impulses pass through the central horn
E. pain sensation results from over-stimulation of other sensory modalities
Answer» E. pain sensation results from over-stimulation of other sensory modalities



Which is NOT a part of the basal ganglia?

A. caudate nucleus
B. cuneate nucleus
C. substantia nigra
D. putamen
E. globus pallidum
Answer» B. cuneate nucleus



With regard to pain pathways, all the following are true EXCEPT:

A. peripheral afferents are transmitted along A (delta) and C fibres
B. an intact cerebral cortex is necessary for pain sensation
C. the synaptic transmitter released by primary afferent fibres subserving pain is substance P
D. afferent fibres subserving pain sensation from viscera reach the CNS by both sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways
E. the sensory organs for pain are marked nerve endings
Answer» B. an intact cerebral cortex is necessary for pain sensation



Cerebellar disease in humans causes all of the following EXCEPT:

A. dysmetria
B. scanning speech
C. lead pipe rigidity
D. rebound phenomenon
E. dysdiadockokinesia
Answer» C. lead pipe rigidity



The righting reflex is pronounced after sectioning of the neural axis above whichlevel:

A. spinal cord
B. medulla
C. mid-brain
D. subcortical nuclei
E. all above intact but decerebellate
Answer» C. mid-brain



Regarding muscle spindles, which is NOT true?

A. they contain nuclear bag and nuclear chain fibres
B. they receive a motor supply via Aγ fibres
C. they discharge more upon stretching of the muscle
D. they are responsible for the inverse stretch reflex
E. they relay information to the cord via Ia fibres
Answer» D. they are responsible for the inverse stretch reflex



The action potential of a neuron (influx):

A. is initiated by efflux of Na+
B. is terminated by efflux of K+
C. declines in amplitude as it moves along the axon
D. results in transient reversal of the concentration (?electrical) gradient of Na+ across the cell membrane
E. is not associated with any net movement of Na+ of K+ across the cell membrane
Answer» E. is not associated with any net movement of Na+ of K+ across the cell membrane



The functions of tropomyosin in skeletal muscle include:

A. releasing Ca2+ after an action potential
B. sliding on actin to produce shortening
C. binding to myosin during contraction
D. acting as a “relaxing protein” at rest by covering up the sites where myosin binds to actin
E. generating ATP which passes to the contractile mechanism
Answer» D. acting as a “relaxing protein” at rest by covering up the sites where myosin binds to actin



Regarding the autonomic nervous system:

A. it does not have a reflex arch like the somatic nervous system
B. it has dopamine as the main transmitter
C. it has cholinergic division which increases activity of the intestinal musculature and increases gastric excretion
D. neurotransmitter noradrenaline is metabolised by pseudocholinesterase
E. it is not onvolved with visceral sensation (?involved)
Answer» C. it has cholinergic division which increases activity of the intestinal musculature and increases gastric excretion



Which of the following does NOT act via an intracellular receptor?

A. atrial natriuretic peptide
B. cortisol
C. thyroxine
D. aldosterone
E. retinoic acid
Answer» E. retinoic acid



Steps involved in skeletal muscle contraction include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. binding of acetylcholine to nicotinic receptors
B. increased Na+ and K+ conductance in end plate membrane
C. spread of depolarisation along T tubules
D. binding of calcium to troponin T, with uncovering of its actin-myosin binding site
E. CTP (cytidine triphosphate)
Answer» E. CTP (cytidine triphosphate)



Regarding the resting membrane potential in peripheral nerves:

A. membrane permeability of potassium ions via K+ leak channels produces the resting potential
B. a decrease in extracellular Ca2+ decreases excitability
C. decreasing external Na+ concentration lowers the resting membrane potential
D. changing the external Na+ concentration has no effect on the action potential
E. decreasing the external K+ concentration increases the resting membrane potential
Answer» A. membrane permeability of potassium ions via K+ leak channels produces the resting potential



Regarding excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle, which statement isINCORRECT?

A. calcium ions bind to troponin T
B. troponin I – tropomyosin complex constitutes a “relaxing protein”
C. each cycle of attachment and detachment shortens muscle length by about 1%
D. ATP is the immediate source of energy
E. globular head of myosin – II possesses actin binding site
Answer» A. calcium ions bind to troponin T




A. are involved with myelin production
B. are scavenger cells
C. are performed in the brain
D. are important in GABA uptake
E. induce capillaries to form tight junctions and thus the blood brain barrier
Answer» B. are scavenger cells



The action potential:

A. is always monophasic
B. has an absolute refractory period lasting to the start of the after depolarisation
C. has a relative refractory period lasting until repolarisation is complete
D. requires opening of voltage gated Na+ channels
E. results in ↓ K+ conductance
Answer» D. requires opening of voltage gated Na+ channels



Which of the following nerve fibre types is MOST sensitive to hypoxia?

A. A-alpha
B. A-beta
C. A-delta
D. B
E. C
Answer» D. B



Regarding smooth muscle contractility, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. increased by acetylcholine
B. decreased by activation of phospholipase C
C. increased by cold
D. decreased by cAMP
E. increased by stretch
Answer» B. decreased by activation of phospholipase C



Regarding smooth muscle, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. multi-unit smooth muscle is present in the jejunum
B. may exhibit pacemaker potentials
C. mechanical response is much slower than striated muscle
D. the membrane potential is unstable
E. functions as a syncytium in viscera
Answer» A. multi-unit smooth muscle is present in the jejunum



A sarcomere:

A. contains two separate halves of an A-band and an I-band
B. is the space between two A-bands
C. is between two Z-lines
D. has the T-system of the sarcotubular system at sarcomere junctions
E. contracts when the troponin molecule binds to the myosin head
Answer» C. is between two Z-lines



Type I muscle fibres:

A. have fast glycolytic rates
B. have low oxidative capacity
C. are more commonly found in muscle that performs explosive work
D. do not have a very high glycolytic capacity
E. are not abundant in endurance athletes
Answer» D. do not have a very high glycolytic capacity



Regarding cardiac muscle, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. resting membrane potential is about -90mV
B. energy source at rest is mainly fat
C. mechanical response lasts about twice as long as electrical response
D. tetanus cannot occur
E. it has an all-or-nothing contractile response
Answer» C. mechanical response lasts about twice as long as electrical response



Regarding denervation:

A. it causes skeletal muscle hypertrophy
B. does not lead to fibrillation
C. causes hyposensitivity to acetylcholine in skeletal muscle
D. smooth muscle is able to contract if it occurs in vivo
E. causes fasciculations
Answer» D. smooth muscle is able to contract if it occurs in vivo



Which of the following nerve fibre types is MOST sensitive to pressure?

A. A-beta
B. A-gamma
C. A-delta
D. B
E. C
Answer» A. A-beta



Regarding decerebration:

A. decerebration produces spinal shock
B. decerebrate rigidity is spasticity due to diffuse facilitation of stretch reflex
C. there is increased rate of discharge in the α afferent neurons
D. spasticity produced by decerebration is more marked in flexor muscles
E. most commonly produces upper limb flexion and lower limb extension
Answer» B. decerebrate rigidity is spasticity due to diffuse facilitation of stretch reflex



Which of the following nerve fibre types has the LARGEST diameter?

A. C
B. A-alpha
C. B
D. A-gamma
E. A-beta
Answer» B. A-alpha



The following are NOT energy sources of muscle:

A. phosphorylcreatine
B. fatty acids
C. glucose
D. glycogen
E. creatine
Answer» E. creatine



Regarding sensory organ stimulation, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. adaptation occurs over the temperature range 20-40°C
B. pain is sensed by naked nerve endings
C. pacinian corpuscles are rapidly adapting touch-pressure receptors
D. naked nerve endings can detect all four cutaneous sensory modalities
E. any given nerve ending can signal more than one sensory modality
Answer» E. any given nerve ending can signal more than one sensory modality



Regarding neurotransmitters, which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. glutamate is excitatory
B. GABA is inhibitory at presynaptic neurons
C. glycine is excitatory at postsynaptic neurons
D. GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is inhibitory
E. aspartate is excitatory
Answer» C. glycine is excitatory at postsynaptic neurons



The stretch reflex:

A. is classically initiated by tapping on the quadriceps muscle
B. is initiated by stretch of the muscle
C. involves impulses being conducted from the muscle spindle to the motor cortex
D. involves extrafusal fibres stimulating annulospiral and flowerspray sensory fibres
E. involves gamma afferents of leksell
Answer» B. is initiated by stretch of the muscle



Which of the following is NOT present in smooth muscle cells?

A. actin
B. myosin-II
C. tropomyosin
D. almodulin
E. troponin
Answer» E. troponin



Regarding the structure of cardiac muscle, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. T-system lies at Z-lines
B. functions as a syncytium due to the presence of tight junctions
C. intercalated discs occur at Z-lines
D. contains large numbers of elongated mitochondria
E. thin filaments include troponin T, C and I
Answer» B. functions as a syncytium due to the presence of tight junctions



Regarding the cardiac muscle action potential, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. sodium ions enter via “fast” channels in phase 0
B. chloride ions may enter cell during phase 1
C. sodium ions enter via “slow” channels in phase 2
D. relative refractory period ends in phase 3
E. class I anti-arrhythmics reduce the slope of phase 4
Answer» A. sodium ions enter via “fast” channels in phase 0



Which of the following nerve fibre types represents the efferent limb of the musclespindle reflex arc?

A. A-alpha
B. A-beta
C. A-gamma
D. A-delta
E. B
Answer» C. A-gamma



Regarding neuromuscular transmission, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. smooth muscle cells possess synapses en passant
B. about 10 times as much acetylcholine as is required is released at skeletal muscle neuromuscular junctions
C. antibodies can develop to calcium channels in nerve endings at neuromuscular junctions
D. more than one nerve fibre ends on each end-plate in skeletal muscle
E. acetylcholine is released by exocytosis
Answer» D. more than one nerve fibre ends on each end-plate in skeletal muscle



Regarding the structure of skeletal muscle, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. thick filaments consist of myosin
B. actin forms a double helix
C. thin filaments include tropomyosin
D. troponin-I inhibits interaction between actin and myosin
E. T-system lies at Z-lines
Answer» E. T-system lies at Z-lines



Which of the following nerve fibre types has the fastest conduction velocity?

A. B
B. A-delta
C. A-beta
D. A-gamma
E. C
Answer» C. A-beta



Regarding the nerve fibre action potential, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. does not involve calcium ions
B. after-depolarisation commences when repolarisation is 70% complete
C. total number of ions involved is minute compared to the total number present
D. spike potential peaks at sodium equilibrium potential
E. firing level (threshold) is at about -55mV
Answer» D. spike potential peaks at sodium equilibrium potential



Which of the following nerve fibre types is MOST sensitive to local anaestheticblockade?

A. A-alpha
B. A-gamma
C. A-delta
D. B
E. C
Answer» E. C



Regarding neurotoxins, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. tetrodotoxin is a sodium channel blocker
B. tetraethylammonium is a potassium channel blocker
C. tetanospasmin interferes with GABA release
D. botulinum toxin blocks release of acetylcholine
E. latrotoxin causes explosive release of acetylcholine
Answer» C. tetanospasmin interferes with GABA release



Regarding conduction of nerve impulses, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. it is an active, self-propagating process
B. salutatory conduction occurs in unmyelinated neurons
C. axons can conduct impulses in either direction
D. conduction velocity is proportional to nerve fibre diameter
E. “current sink” occurs in neuronal cell membrane ahead of impulse
Answer» B. salutatory conduction occurs in unmyelinated neurons



B nerve fibres transmit impulses of which modality?

A. proprioception
B. preganglionic autonomic
C. temperature
D. postganglionic sympathetic
E. somatic motor
Answer» B. preganglionic autonomic



Regarding nerve fibres, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. resting membrane potential is about -90mV
B. action potentials are generated at the initial segment in spinal motor neurons
C. myelin produces up to 50 times faster conduction of impulses
D. membrane is more permeable to potassium than sodium at rest
E. sodium channels are highly concentrated at the nodes of ranvier
Answer» A. resting membrane potential is about -90mV



Regarding skeletal muscle, which statement is INCORRECT?

A. resting membrane potential is about -90mV
B. resting length is the length at which active tension in the muscle is maximal
C. total glycogen stored is about 0.4kg
D. energy source at rest is mainly glucose
E. resting heat production is due to basal metabolic processes
Answer» D. energy source at rest is mainly glucose



Which of the following nerve fibre types has the LEAST myelin?

A. A-alpha
B. A-beta
C. A-gamma
D. B
E. C
Answer» E. C



A-alpha nerve fibres transmit impulses of which modality?

A. proprioception
B. pain
C. pressure
D. touch
E. motor to muscle spindles
Answer» A. proprioception



Unmyelinated neurons:

A. do not have Schwann cells associated with them
B. display salutatory conduction
C. constitute most of the cell population in the human central nervous system
D. do not occur in humans
E. none of the above are true
Answer» E. none of the above are true



In skeletal muscle:

A. thick filaments which are made up of myosin and tropomyosin are lined up to form A bands
B. the dark A band has a light H band in its centre which in turn has an M line in its middle
C. think filaments are made up of actin, tropomyosin and troponin and form the H band
D. Z lines are connected to the thick filaments
E. during contraction, the width of the A band reduces
Answer» C. think filaments are made up of actin, tropomyosin and troponin and form the H band



Dorsal root (type C) fibres:

A. conduct proprioception
B. are amongst the largest of the nerve fibres
C. are the fibres most susceptible to hypoxia
D. administration of lignocaine suppresses transmission in C fibres before affecting A fibres
E. are myelinated
Answer» D. administration of lignocaine suppresses transmission in C fibres before affecting A fibres



Saltatory conduction:

A. only occurs in myelinated neurons
B. is slower than non-saltatory conduction
C. is unaffected by local anaesthetics
D. does not occur with anti-dromic conduction
E. is directly proportional in rate to the size of the action potential
Answer» A. only occurs in myelinated neurons



A motor unit is made up of:

A. a flexor muscle and an extensor muscle
B. a single skeletal muscle and all the motor neurons that supply it
C. a single motor neuron and all the muscle fibres it innervates
D. a large bundle of muscle fibres
E. all the motor neurons in which responses are observed after maximal stimulation
Answer» C. a single motor neuron and all the muscle fibres it innervates



The role of calcium in excitation/contraction couple in skeletal muscle is:

A. by binding troponin C it uncovers the binding site of actin to interact with the myosin head
B. by binding troponin I, it uncovers the binding site of actin to interact with the myosin head
C. by binding to tropomyosin, it allows troponic to bind to myosin
D. by binding to troponin C, it allows the myosin head to disengage resulting in relaxation
E. it causes depolarisation to spread along the tubules
Answer» A. by binding troponin C it uncovers the binding site of actin to interact with the myosin head



A decrease in extracellular K+:

A. makes the resting membrane more negative in nerve cells
B. causes a similar effect in nerve cells as a decrease in extracellular Na+
C. has little effect in nerve cell membrane potential
D. may decrease nerve cell action potential size
E. cause a similar effect in nerve cells as an increase in extracellular Ca++
Answer» E. cause a similar effect in nerve cells as an increase in extracellular Ca++



Tetanic contraction of skeletal muscle:

A. occurs because of the short refractory period of skeletal muscle
B. is due to increased calcium available for binding to troponin C
C. enables a tension development of approximately four times that of individual twitch contraction
D. occurs only with isometric contractions
E. has the same mechanism of that of cardiac muscle
Answer» C. enables a tension development of approximately four times that of individual twitch contraction



With respect to nerve fibre types:

A. the speed on conduction is inversely proportional to the diameter of the fibre
B. C fibres are more susceptible to local anaesthetics than A fibres
C. Aδ fibres are concerned primarily with somatic motor function
D. pain may be relayed by all fibre types
E. Aδ fibres are efferent only
Answer» B. C fibres are more susceptible to local anaesthetics than A fibres



In visceral smooth muscle:

A. Ca2+ for contraction is released from sarcoplasmic reticulum
B. membrane potential has a resting value of -90mV
C. the excitation contraction coupling time is rapid (<10ms)
D. muscle contracts when stretched in absence of innervation
E. binding of acetylcholine to nicotine receptors increases Ca2+ influx
Answer» D. muscle contracts when stretched in absence of innervation



Inhibitory post synaptic potentials involve:

A. localised increase in membrane permeability to Na+
B. localised decrease in membrane permeability to Cl-
C. localised increase in membrane permeability to PO4
D. localised increase in membrane permeability to Cl-
E. localised decrease in membrane permeability to K+
Answer» D. localised increase in membrane permeability to Cl-



In skeletal muscle relaxation:

A. there is a spread of depolarisation along T tubules
B. Ca2+ is released from troponin
C. there is increase Na+ and K+ conduction in the end plate membranes
D. a resting membrane potential of -65mV is finally reached
E. Mg2+ has a crucial role
Answer» B. Ca2+ is released from troponin



Regarding synapses:

A. the synaptic cleft is 30-50mm wide
B. transmitters are released from synaptic knobs secondary to Na+ triggers
C. the amount of transmitter released is proportionate to Ca2+ efflux
D. acetylcholine is present in granulated vesicles in synaptic knob
E. the EPSP is caused by Na+ influx
Answer» E. the EPSP is caused by Na+ influx



Which of the following is inhibitory neurotransmitter?

A. gallamine
B. acetylcholine
C. glutamate
D. glycine
E. aspartate
Answer» D. glycine



Which of the following nerves is NOT of fibre type A?

A. proprioception
B. touch
C. motor to muscle spindles
D. somatic motor
E. dorsal root pain and temperature
Answer» E. dorsal root pain and temperature



Which nerve fibre is MOST susceptible to local anaesthetics?

A. proprioception
B. touch
C. motor to muscle spindles
D. somatic motor
E. dorsal root pain and temperature
Answer» E. dorsal root pain and temperature



Which nerves have the biggest diameter and faster conduction velocity?

A. group A alpha
B. group A beta
C. group A gamma
D. group A delta
E. group C
Answer» A. group A alpha



In excitation-contraction of skeletal muscle, calcium binds to:

A. tropomyosin
B. myosin
C. troponin I
D. troponin C
E. troponin T
Answer» D. troponin C



Myosin binding sites on actin are normally covered by:

A. troponin I
B. troponin C
C. troponin T
D. tropomyosin
E. ryanodine molecule
Answer» D. tropomyosin



With regard to skeletal muscle, which is INCORRECT?

A. the terminal cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum lie in contact with T tubules
B. the T tubules surround the muscle at its Z lines
C. the Z line lies within the I band
D. the M line is due to a central bulge in each of the thick filaments
E. the area between two adjacent Z lines is called a sarcomere
Answer» B. the T tubules surround the muscle at its Z lines




A. is the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system
B. acts as sympathetic neuromuscular junctions in skeletal muscle and vascular smooth muscle
C. is secreted by the adrenal medulla
D. causes pupillary constriction
E. reduces blood pressure
Answer» C. is secreted by the adrenal medulla




A. is a major neurotransmitter in the spinal cord
B. is degraded within the neuromuscular end-plate by dehydration
C. is important in the stimulation of pancreatic function
D. is the neurotransmitter involved in vagal stimulation of the heart
E. is antagonised by neostigmine
Answer» C. is important in the stimulation of pancreatic function



The functions of tropomyosin in skeletal muscle include:

A. releasing Ca2+ after an action potential
B. sliding on actin to produce shortening
C. binding to myosin during contraction
D. acting as a “releasing protein” at rest by covering up the sites where myosin binds to actin
E. generating ATP which passes to the contractile mechanism
Answer» D. acting as a “releasing protein” at rest by covering up the sites where myosin binds to actin



Membrane potential:

A. is only found in nervous tissue
B. is not contributed to by the Na+ /K+ pump
C. magnitude does not change from tissue to tissue
D. is negative inside in relation to the outside
E. is mainly caused by leaking Na+ / K+ channels
Answer» D. is negative inside in relation to the outside



Gamma amino butyric acid:

A. is an excitatory mediator in the brain
B. is formed by decarboxylation of glutamate
C. acts at three different classes of GABA receptors
D. is mostly secreted unchanged in the urine
E. is the main mediator in glutamate
Answer» B. is formed by decarboxylation of glutamate



Substance P:

A. is a carbohydrate
B. is a polypeptide found in the intestine and nervous tissue
C. is a β II amino acid residue mainly found in the liver
D. is not involved in the neuroendocrine system
E. is a lipid
Answer» B. is a polypeptide found in the intestine and nervous tissue



Opioid peptides:

A. are not formed from precursors
B. include morphine as an example
C. form the opioid receptors in the brain
D. are mainly found in the brain and gastrointestinal tract
E. are almost always excreted unchanged
Answer» D. are mainly found in the brain and gastrointestinal tract



Regarding the autonomic nervous system:

A. does not have a reflex arc like somatic nervous system
B. has dopamine as the main transmitter
C. has cholinergic division which increases activity of the intestinal musculature and increases gastric secretion
D. neurotransmitter noradrenaline is metabolised by pseudocholinesterase
E. is not involved with visceral sensation
Answer» C. has cholinergic division which increases activity of the intestinal musculature and increases gastric secretion


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Question and answers in Nervous System, Nervous System multiple choice questions and answers, Nervous System Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Nervous System, Nervous System MCQs with answers PDF download

100+ Nervous System Solved MCQs with PDF Download (2024)


What is the nervous system question answer? ›

The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of nerves. This system sends messages back and forth between the brain and the body. The brain is what controls all the body's functions. The spinal cord runs from the brain down through the back.

What is the nervous system divided into the _________ and the ___________? ›

The nervous system as a whole is divided into two subdivisions: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

What does the nervous system consist of Mcq? ›

Our central nervous system (CNS) comprises the brain and spinal cord. It controls and regulates all the parts of our body.

How do you beat the nervous system? ›

How to regulate your nervous system: 13 techniques to restore balance
  1. Try a physiological sigh or other breathing exercises. ...
  2. Move your body. ...
  3. Use a weighted blanket. ...
  4. Meditate to help calm your mind. ...
  5. Introduce mindfulness into your routine to help reduce stress. ...
  6. Sing or laugh. ...
  7. Give yourself a massage or a hug. ...
  8. Try tapping.
Dec 1, 2023

What are the 7 organs of the nervous system? ›

The central nervous system (defined as the brain and spinal cord) is usually considered to have seven basic parts: the spinal cord, the medulla, the pons, the cerebellum, the midbrain, the diencephalon, and the cerebral hemispheres (Figure 1.10; see also Figure 1.8).

What are the two types of cells in the nervous system? ›

Nervous tissue contains two major cell types, neurons and glial cells. Neurons are responsible for communication through electrical signals. Glial cells are supporting cells, allowing neuron function. Though neuron shape varies, neurons are polarized cells, based on the flow of electrical signals along their membrane.

Which nerves carry messages from the brain to the other parts of our body? ›

  • Motor nerves are the network of neurons that extend between the brain and the muscles or the effector organs.
  • They carry the messages from the brain to the body parts.
Jul 3, 2022

How fast can neurons send signals? ›

The fastest signals in our bodies are sent by larger, myelinated axons found in neurons that transmit the sense of touch or proprioception – 80-120 m/s (179-268 miles per hour).

Which part of the body is the control center for the nervous system? ›

Our brain, the control center of the nervous system and the rest of the body, normally allows us to retain and recall information.

How many nerves are in the human body? ›

Diving into the world of human biology reveals mind-blowing facts, such as the astounding estimate that over 7 trillion nerves reside in the human body! These nerves, which form the vast and complex nervous system, work similarly to a body's electrical wiring.

What to drink to calm nerves? ›

5 best stress-relieving beverages
  • Coconut juice. Who would have thought that coconut water helped to compensate for water and mineral salts in the body as well? ...
  • Chamomile tea. ...
  • Ginger juice. ...
  • Dark chocolate. ...
  • Fresh mixed fruit and vegetable juices.
Feb 24, 2021

What foods calm the nervous system? ›

Look for foods with vitamins B, C and D.

Good sources of these vitamins include citrus fruits, berries, dark chocolate and herbal teas such as lavender or chamomile (avoid teas with caffeine). For the B vitamins in particular, choose whole grains and nuts.

What vitamins are good for the nervous system? ›

Neurotropic B vitamins play crucial roles as coenzymes and beyond in the nervous system. Particularly vitamin B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) contribute essentially to the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.

What are questions about the nervous system? ›

8.5 Central Nervous System Review Questions and Answers
  • What is the central nervous system? ...
  • How is the central nervous system protected? ...
  • What is the overall function of the brain? ...
  • Identify the three main parts of the brain and one function of each part. Answers may vary. ...
  • Describe the hemispheres of the brain.

What is the nervous system explained simply? ›

The nervous system uses electrical and chemical means to help all parts of the body to communicate with each other. The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. Nerves everywhere else in the body are part of the peripheral nervous system.

What is the nervous system quizlet? ›

The nervous system is the master coordinating system of the body. Every thought, action, and sensation reflext its activity. The structures of the nervous system are described in terms of 2 principal divisions-the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

What is the study of the nervous system answer? ›

Neurology is a discipline of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of nervous system problems. It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems.


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