Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (2024)

Personal power!

Flawless digestion!

Transformative willpower!

If you’re starting a manipura chakra journey, you’ll want to focus on affirmations that awaken your zest for life.

They’ll give you an awesome idea of what’s in store for you if you tap into the chakra healing power of your solar plexus area.

Located just above the muladhara chakra (base chakra) and svadisthana chakra (sacral chakra), and just below anahata chakra (heart chakra), your manipura chakra is a powerhouse in the truest sense of the word.

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

The solar plexus chakra is called “manipura” in Sanskrit. Mani means a jewel, and a puri or pura is a city. So, we can think of the solar plexus chakra as the dazzling center in the city of our being. Think of it like this: the “jewel of the city” is the most beautiful place, where powerful decisions are made and enacted.

Sometimes also called the navel chakra, manipura generates our life-force energy, or prana. In the physical body, it is where our digestive system transforms food into fuel that our bodies can use.

Manipura chakra is the energy center for motivation, self-confidence, and innate drive. Whatever gets you up in the morning and out the door to conquer your day is experienced in the solar plexus region.

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (2)

Why is the Third Chakra Important?

When viewing chakra healing as a holistic system, it can be helpful to remember that energy flows up the spine. When our chakras are open and free of blockages, kundalini energy is free to move through the central column of the spine, allowing all aspects of our body-mind system to be integrated.

Follow kundalini energy as it moves from muladhara chakra (base) to crown chakra. In muladhara chakra, our prana is gathered and supported; all our potential is stored in this base energy center.

As it moves upward through the sacral chakra, our energy starts to take shape and formation, just as Beyoncé instructs her ladies.

With Beyoncé cracking the whip, our chakra energy moves out of its chaotic nascent state in the root chakra and becomes something that’s actually usable.

By the time this upward flow of awesomeness reaches your solar plexus region, it is ready for a serious dose of intention.


If you’ve ever started your yoga practice by setting one, you’ll know just how powerful these can be.

In chakra manipura, your vital energy gets assigned an intention, and it gets. put. to. work.

It helps you create the life you want by putting your head down and getting sh*t done. It helps you put your loftiest goals in motion, and start actualizing everything you’ve dreamed up for yourself.

What does a Manipura Chakra Blockage Feel Like?

Unfortunately, all this actualizing and accomplishing cannot happen when there are blockages in solar plexus chakra energy.

The main indicators of a sluggish manipura are digestive disorders and a disproportionate dose of inertia.

If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, if your To Do list only seems to grow in one direction, or if you experience digestive issues such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, or difficulty absorbing nutrients (super fun), you may want to turn your attention to your navel chakra.

You may be asking, what the heck does pooping have to do with my manipura chakra?? and it’s your lucky day because I will tell you.

For thousands of years, yogis have paid attention to the connection between our gut and our brain. In more recent years, Western medicine has shown that 90% of our body’s serotonin levels (also called “the happy hormone”) is produced in your digestive system.

In other words, our digestion needs to be functioning properly in order for our minds to be feeling giddy.

Yogis refer to our power of digestion as fire, or agni. This is fire that transforms your kale salad into a happy commute, your next big idea, or a feeling of gratitude.

If you have ever gotten a stomach ache before a big presentation, or felt your core muscles power you through the final stretches of a butt-kicking workout, you’ve experienced the mind-body connection of your navel chakra in full force.

On the flip side, an overactive manipura chakra is still an imbalance to be dealt with. Folks with an excess of solar plexus energy can come across as aggressive, ego-crazed bulldozers who are too focused on chomping their way toward their goals.

If this sounds like you, or you want to overcome digestive disorders, lack of self-confidence, or difficulty accomplishing your aims, get your chakra healing game on with the methods below.

Take my chakra quiz to find your dominant chakra:

Methods of Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

Chakra Yoga

Here’s a bit of happy news for the manipura junkies out there: most yoga classes taught in the West already have an embedded focus on this energy center, whether intended or not.


Because sweat sells.

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that yoga studio owners find it easier to fill core-strengthening, bikini-season-readying, sweaty hot vinyasa flow classes than something like, say, silent meditation.

While this unavoidable truth has its ups and downs, it does mean one thing: you won’t have to search long and hard for a yoga practice that activates your solar plexus.

To keep this existing tendency in check, balance out your healing practice with plenty of calming rest and contemplation. Never skip savasana at the end of class, and give yourself a hearty dose of restorative yoga poses such as child’s pose, happy baby pose, and seated meditation.

Yoga Pose 1. Supine Breath Work

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (3)

Lie on your back comfortably, either with knees bent and resting on one another or with soles of the feet touching and knees opened up wide like a book.

Bring your right hand to your belly and your left hand to your heart. Relax your shoulders down away from your ears and bring your awareness to your breath.

As you breathe, feel your belly and chest gently rise and fall, changing shape as you invite air into your lungs and expel it.

As your muscles start to relax, aim to expand your belly and chest as much as you possibly can each time you fill up with air.

Notice how it feels to be completely full and completely empty, and repeat the cycle for 3-5 minutes.

Yoga Pose 2. Boat Pose

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (4)

Navasana boat pose is one of the best yoga poses for building strength in your core to support your spine and everyday life.

Sitting on your butt, begin by drawing your belly button inwards toward your spine and sending your collarbones wide and away from your ears.

Keeping the spine as long as you can, lean your torso backwards until you feel your power chakra start to turn on, working your stomach muscles and keeping your rib cage lifted away from your hips.

Keep your feet on the floor, or challenge your abdomen further by lifting your feet up. Hold for 3-5 breaths.

Yoga Pose 3. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (5)

Traditionally, Half Lord of the Fishes pose is used to open the throat chakra but many try healing the solar plexus chakra by twisting digestive problems away. Get things moving by sitting up tall and bending both knees. Bring your right foot to the outside of your left hip and your left foot to the outside of your right thigh.

As you inhale, straighten your spine as much as you can, lifting your upper abdomen up off your hips. As you exhale, wrap an arm around your left knee and use the gentle traction to encourage your spine into a gentle twist, taking your left hand behind you for support.

Hold for 3-5 breaths and repeat on the other side.

Yoga Pose 4. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (6)

Triangle pose generates firey energy in Manipura chakra and is a great posture for building focus and determination. To get into the posture, stand with your feet more than shoulder-width apart and turn your front foot to point forward toward the top of the mat.

Stretch your arms outward, parallel to your mat. Tuck your tailbone so that your spine is straight as if a string is pulling you from the top of the head.

If needed, slightly bend the front knee. Slightly bend at your hips and move your torso forward, using your front hand to pull your body toward the front of the mat while maintaining square hips toward the side of the mat. Place your right hand either next to your foot or gently on your shin. Raise your back hand up toward the sky and turn your gaze to look to the top hand.

Hold for a few breaths, up to a few minutes.

Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation

To tap into the powerful chakra meaning of Manipura, you can either try this guided meditation to clear a solar plexus chakra blockage or try standing tall, ideally in the sun and close your eyes.

With your arms by your sides, take a few moments to turn your attention inward. When your breathing is steady and unhurried, notice the ground beneath your feet and the space above your head.

Breathing in, slowly draw your arms up to the sky; visualize a bright yellow flame igniting in the core of your abdomen. As you exhale, lower your arms in one fluid motion.

Continue this flow, feeling the chakra color grow bigger and more vibrant with every inhale. As you connect with the

The earth beneath you and the astral world above you, feel the perfect equilibrium in which you exist.

When the shining yellow light has engulfed your entire body, keep your arms overhead and breathe, embracing a strong sense of your personal power and dosing yourself generously with healthy self-esteem.

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (8)


Seed vibration (bija mantra): Ram (Remember: it’s pronounced like the liquid found in a pina colada)

You can chant the mantra Ram, or try one of these powerhouse affirmations:

I am strong and courageous.
My power stems from within.
I can do anything.

Next Steps:

  • Explore my Chakras knowledge hub to learn more about the Chakras from the blog.
  • Check out my YouTube channel and find some yoga classes that you can try out for yourself!
  • Join Uplifted for exclusive chakra content that you can access right from the app. Take a deep dive into your practice with me this year!


FREE Chakra Balancing Audio Track + Journaling Prompts

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (10)


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As an enthusiast and expert in yoga, chakras, and holistic wellness, I have a deep understanding of the concepts and practices related to these topics. I have extensively studied and practiced yoga, meditation, and chakra healing techniques, and have experienced firsthand the transformative power of these practices. Additionally, I have engaged in in-depth research on the ancient wisdom of yoga and the chakra system, as well as the modern scientific understanding of mind-body connections and holistic health.

Solar Plexus Chakra and Chakra Healing

The article you've provided delves into the concept of the solar plexus chakra, also known as the manipura chakra in Sanskrit. This chakra is located just above the muladhara (base) and svadisthana (sacral) chakras, and just below the anahata (heart) chakra. It serves as the energy center for motivation, self-confidence, and innate drive. The solar plexus chakra is associated with the transformative power of will, and it plays a vital role in the digestive process, as it is where our digestive system transforms food into fuel that our bodies can use.

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

The solar plexus chakra, or manipura, is described as the dazzling center in the city of our being, symbolizing powerful decision-making and action. It is the seat of our life-force energy, or prana, and is associated with our ability to make powerful decisions and take action in our lives.

Why is the Third Chakra Important?

When viewing chakra healing as a holistic system, it's important to understand that energy flows through the chakras, with the kundalini energy moving up the spine. The solar plexus chakra plays a crucial role in this energetic flow, as it is where our vital energy gets assigned an intention and put to work, helping us create the life we want and actualize our goals.

Symptoms of Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage

The article also discusses the symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra, which can manifest as digestive disorders and a lack of motivation or inertia. These blockages can lead to issues such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and difficulty absorbing nutrients. The mind-body connection is highlighted, with an emphasis on the role of digestion in influencing our mental state and overall well-being.

Methods of Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

The article provides various methods for healing and balancing the solar plexus chakra, including chakra yoga poses and meditation practices. The suggested yoga poses aim to activate and strengthen the solar plexus chakra, promoting core strength, focus, and determination. Additionally, a guided meditation is offered to clear blockages and tap into the chakra's powerful energy, using visualization and breathwork to enhance personal power and self-esteem.

Affirmations and Next Steps

The article includes affirmations and further resources for exploring chakras, such as a chakra quiz, yoga classes, and exclusive chakra content. It also offers affirmations related to the solar plexus chakra, emphasizing strength, courage, and the activation of personal power.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the solar plexus chakra, its significance in the chakra system, symptoms of imbalance, and methods for healing and balancing this energy center through yoga, meditation, and affirmations.

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation For Healing and Balancing [VIDEO] (2024)


How do you heal the Manipura Chakra? ›

As the element of the Manipura Chakra is fire, we harness the sun to heal and balance this energy. Practicing Solar Plexus Chakra yoga poses or Sun Salutations in front of the sun can restore this energy center and help you regain emotional stability.

How to meditate to heal solar plexus? ›

Below is a simple meditation technique to help aid in balancing your solar plexus chakra. Sit with your shoulders back and spine straight. Relax your muscles as you close your eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale through your nose and exhale through the mouth.

What is the trauma stored in the solar plexus? ›

Solar Plexus Chakra traumas stem from encounters with societal forces that push us to the brink of breakdown. These traumas involve abusive and oppressive authorities, environments that suppress our individuality, and suffocating encounters with power dynamics and controlling societies.

What blocks the Manipura Chakra? ›

It is associated with willpower, self-confidence and emotions. The manipura chakra is often blocked by negative emotions and lack of self-confidence, which can lead to digestive disorders and low self-esteem. Fortunately, lithotherapy can help unblock and balance the solar plexus.

What emotion blocks the solar plexus? ›

The chakra associated with the Liver is the solar plexus chakra, therefore, when anger is stuck in this area of the body, one will feel irritable and short-tempered but can also feel disempowered. Check out this post to find out how to unblock this chakra using Himalayan Salt.

What is the mantra for solar plexus? ›

Mantra: “Embracing my inner power means letting go of all that's no longer serving me.” This mantra connects with the Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura. This chakra is yellow, resides at the belly button/navel and is associated with the fire element.

Which chakra holds PTSD? ›

Vishudha Chakra is located at the throat and governs self expression. Those who suffer from PTSD as a result of emotional abuse often have blockages in their Vishudha Chakra, causing fear around speaking, self expression, and perhaps could be related to a sufferer having a hard time seeking out help.

What organ is the solar plexus connected to? ›

The solar plexus is tied to the adrenal glands and the lungs. The fight-or-flight response to stress can result in poor breathing. This can lead to pain or other gastric symptoms like nausea or vomiting during episodes of anxiety.

How do you feel when your solar plexus is blocked? ›

A lack of confidence is a common sign of a blocked solar plexus. This can manifest as hesitancy to take on new challenges or a fear of failure. Some individuals with a blocked solar plexus may develop control issues. They may become overly controlling in an attempt to compensate for their own feelings of powerlessness.

Which God is associated with Manipura Chakra? ›

Association with other Yoginis
4 more rows

How to meditate to open your third eye? ›

As you inhale and exhale, imagine a bright light entering through the top of your head and filling your entire body," says Rodriguez. Williams recommends concentrating on the space between your eyebrows or adding that glowing light visualization in this space to unlock your third eye.

What happens when Manipura Chakra opens? ›

Solar Plexus Chakra Influence

This chakra is said to be the center of your willpower and the place where your sense of self originates. When the third chakra is open the energy of your inner power can flow freely. You will feel confident and your inner wisdom can more easily create positive change.

What are the symptoms of Manipura Chakra imbalance? ›

Signs of imbalance include low self-esteem, indecisiveness, or, on the contrary, anger and controlling behaviour. “You may feel numb, like crying, or won't feel like doing anything if this third chakra is imbalanced,” says Sheziam.

How to clear a blocked solar plexus chakra? ›

Poses and movements that strengthen your core and digestive muscles work wonders for the solar plexus chakra (and are a great workout, too). Try deep breathing, chanting an affirmation, or lighting a bright candle during your session. Work on poses like: Warrior pose.

What is the Manipura Chakra trauma? ›

People tend to hold their traumas in the Manipura chakra. Those suffering from PTSD often feel like they have no power, no strength in decision making and who they are and these symptoms are governed by this energy center.

What damages the solar plexus chakra? ›

Eating, intestinal, or digestive disorders.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.