KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm : KTVU : June 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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anyone who supports trump in this city, anyone who supports trump in this city, gets ridiculed. >> it says that he is a disgrace because i think he's a disgrace to our country. for me, he's been indicted 34 times. >> both supporters and protesters have been rallying in the city as former president trump is expected there for a fundraiser tonight. hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. his visit comes exactly one week after he was convicted of felony charges in new york city. ktvu political reporter greg lee live tonight in san francisco. greg, we heard 5:00 earlier. here we are one hour later. what is the latest on trump touching down in the city? >> yeah mike good evening. we have heard from multiple people that former president trump was running late from a rally in phoenix, arizona. we understand his plane has just landed at sfo in the last few minutes here, which means he will be hopping in his motorcade and on his way here. that is good news, because as i step out of the way, we'll tell you we have seen dozens of guests arriving to this home on

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pacific avenue here, and we know that it is blocked off in multiple directions for several blocks of pacific heights here. we have seen a lot of police presence and the barricades here as these guests arrive. all of this as they await former president trump barricades and police officers lined the streets of pacific avenue in san francisco's pacific heights neighborhood, all of it for a high dollar fundraiser featuring former president trump. one week after his criminal conviction in new york. >> and i'm really looking forward to being there, welcoming him. and, you know, kind of feeling the excitement of california's tech glitterati who have decided to publicly support president trump. i think it's incredible. the energy is really palpable. >> the last time mr. trump attended a fundraiser in the bay area was in september of 2019, when he was president, the sold out event, hosted at the home of venture capitalist david sax. tickets ranging from 50,000 a person to $500,000 a couple. >> quite frankly, there's a lot of preference falsification going on in silicon valley. i know there's a lot of people in

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silicon valley who we know because we know who's coming. there's a lot of people who i do think support trump. >> what you're seeing from these sort of billionaire national level tech leaders is their deep concern about the direction of this country, not just california. >> in the 4 to 8 hours after the guilty verdict, the republican national committee said it raised $70 million, bolstering a total of $141 million for the trump campaign in may. in a fundraising email, jimmy kimmel wrote on behalf of the biden-harris campaign, saying this about trump, he is protected by far right mouthpieces and billionaire mega donors who'd gladly eat crab cakes while the world burns, if it means they'd pay less in taxes. >> it seems pretty clear that most of trump's largest donors, not just in silicon valley but around the country, are driven primarily by economic and financial questions. these are very wealthy people who generally benefit from lower taxes and less regulation. >> uc berkeley political science

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professor dan schnur says despite early polling, it's too early to know the exact impact of trump's conviction on voters. but he believes there will be some. >> the most reasonable expectation at this point, and it's worth keeping in mind. we've never had a political landscape like this before, where one of the two major parties nominees has been convicted of a felony at this point, it appears that there will be some shift away from trump and in biden's direction, but not an immense one. >> while the sold out audience is excited to hear from the former president, at least one neighbor says mr. trump is not welcome. >> if we want to have like a progressive identity being you know, very inclusive and all of those things that go along with it, you know, we should live our values and we should people, everybody should be rejecting people like trump coming to our town. >> now, this is just the start of a california fundraising swing for the former president. from here, he will go to beverly hills and newport beach for fundraisers there live in san

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francisco, greg lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> and greg, you said he's going back down to southern california. is he actually wheels up tonight and headed that way, or is he staying in san francisco? do we know? >> yeah. mike, i have to tell you, as we have been trying to cover this event and the events to come, everyone has been very tight lipped. they have been very careful about releasing information, even to local law enforcement and making sure that it is not spread to other people. and so it is unclear what that schedule holds. >> greg leigh live tonight in san francisco greg, appreciate it. >> well, the former president is a polarizing figure, and his visit to san francisco is drawing a very public response. ktvu is christian captain spoke with those demonstrating both for and against the former president. >> hours before donald trump even touched down in the bay area, his supporters lined up along san francisco's marina green, driving by honking, waving flags and sharing their excitement that we're going to clean house. supporters said they suspect there's more support for the 45th president in san francisco than people

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know. >> some are just waiting. they're waiting for november 5th to express their viewpoint, and they're just quietly waiting until that day. >> trump is set to visit the home of billionaire david sax for a major fundraiser. supporters said they want trump to know he's welcome, even in san francisco. >> they don't have a big mouth like i do. i don't care who likes it, you know you like who you like, i like who i like and that's it. >> across the street from the pro-trump demonstration, anti-trump protesters stood holding signs outnumbered by about 100 to 1, showing their disdain for the former president. >> i'm here for democracy. we need to save democracy. and i believe that this individual that they're, supporting is not the person for me. >> this guy is completely unfit to be president. again, he's not only been twice impeached. he tried to steal an election,

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inspired an insurrection, but he's now got 34 felony counts on his resume. >> trump supporters say his recent conviction on 34 felony counts in new york have only increased their support for the former president. >> you make a martyr out of him. you make the people that actually love him love him more. and it also raised people that are more, questioning, questioning of establishment and all the rest of it, like myself, that had no side before. but because of that court issue now, i definitely am on the side of trump. >> we've been moved about a block away from that home where that fundraiser is set to take place. we are expecting demonstrators, both those who support and those who oppose the former president's visit in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news hunter biden's felony gun trial will enter its fifth day tomorrow in wilmington, delaware. >> in court today, biden's former sister in law was on the witness stand, hallie biden testifying about their drug use together and how she found the gun at the center of this case. she told jurors she panicked and

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threw the gun into a trash can outside a grocery store, where it was later found and turned over to police. she also said she had not witnessed biden using drugs at that time. this testimony is crucial for the defense, who has argued he was abusing alcohol, not drugs, at the time of the gun purchase. but text messages presented in court today show hunter biden admitting smoking crack the day after the purchase. biden's defense attorneys are scheduled to begin presenting their case tomorrow afternoon. a san francisco judge has dismissed several charges against david tapp, the man already convicted in federal court of beating nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer. the judge presiding over the state case dismissed charges of attempted murder, elder abuse and assault with a deadly weapon. the pap, though, is still charged with residential burglary, false imprisonment and threatening the life or serious bodily harm to a public official. he has already been sentenced to 30 years on federal charges for this attack. the state trial opened last week, with the prosecution resting its case. >> on tuesday, the california

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supreme court ruled in favor of uc berkeley, saying it can proceed with a housing development at people's park. ktvu jana katsuyama has more now on the legal implications. the ruling by the california supreme court thursday now gives the university of california the green light to move forward with their plan to build more than 100 student beds, 1.7 acres of landscaped and 125 affordable housing beds for low income or formerly homeless people. >> 1000 beds of student housing is going to help relieve the shortage of housing in our community, and, you know, students deserve access to affordable housing. >> berkeley's mayor says it's a win for the city and the university. uc issued a statement which said in part, we are pleased and relieved that the supreme court's decision enables the campus to resume construction at people's park, the housing components of the project are desperately needed by our students and unhoused people. >> i'm disappointed but not surprised, plaintiffs say they feel the victory wasn't fair. it's been a struggle. but to get

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this far and to see, process unfold that in, in essence, you know, money spoke here and power spoke. >> two groups called good neighbor filed the lawsuit in 2021 trying to stop the housing development plan. they argued the environmental impact review did not include an evaluation of the student noise levels, and did not include any exploration of alternate locations, the state supreme court said thursday. its ruling is based on a new law just passed in september that states human noise is not considered a significant environmental impact on residential projects. >> we want in court. and when uc didn't like the decision, then they went to the legislature and changed the rules. >> it certainly would apply to other sites. >> professor david levine with uc school of law in san francisco, says the decision will have a broad impact throughout the state. >> there's no question that this project was the instigation for the for the legislation, but it

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is not written specific to this project. so the california supreme court's opinion will have strong precedential value. >> the university of california says that they will reassess the timeline for the construction and post any updates in the coming weeks on their website. from the newsroom jana katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news. >> san francisco police are looking for a missing 11 year old boy. officers say michael humphrey was last seen on tuesday afternoon, just before 3:00 at fulton and stanyan near saint mary's medical center. it was last seen wearing a black and gray hoodie, green shirt, white nike shoes. he is considered at risk because he has been diagnosed with autism and schizophrenia. police say he is known to be a frequent runaway who travels on muni and bart. >> san francisco police are looking for the man who robbed a woman in chinatown. that incident was captured on surveillance video. it shows the suspect approaching the woman from behind. he then grabs her belongings and forces her to the ground before taking off. that

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robbery happened yesterday, just before six in the morning near grant avenue and jackson street. police say the woman was not seriously hurt anyone with information is asked to call san francisco police. >> a grass fire that threatened a home in napa is 75% contained. the crystal fire started yesterday near saint helena. about 60 acres burned. cal fire says they responded quickly with three air tankers, two choppers as well as engines on the ground. four firefighters were taken to the hospital but have since been released. one outbuilding was burned but that home was not damaged. cal fire says this fire should remind everyone to have an evacuation plan in place. >> is artificial intelligence moving too fast or too far? the justice department promises to look into some of the biggest players in ai, and the first first thursday block party in downtown san francisco was hailed a success. >> so how's the second one going? we're live south of market with a closer look at all the festivities. >> and then fog's back at the coast. you can see some of it

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move forward with antitrust investigations into three companies that are dominating the ai industry right now, including two silicon valley giants. the justice department and federal trade commission have reached a deal to split responsibility for investigating nvidia, microsoft and openai.

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justice will investigate santa clara chipmaker nvidia. the ftc will look into close business partners microsoft and openai, the maker of chatgpt. now, earlier on the floor, we did speak with the electronic frontier foundation's mitch stoltz about what's behind the scrutiny. >> all of the fears that people have about ai right now are whether it's simply putting out bad information or being used to impersonate people, all of those are worse in a world where there's just a few companies supplying the technology. >> san jose state professor ahmed bonfoh says federal investigators are concerned that the combination of data, hardware and software represented by these companies could lead to practices such as price fixing, bundling of products, and restricting access to information. >> they're worried that because of the value of microsoft and

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the knowledge of openai and the hardware of nvidia, they will have some kind of agreement where they can just keep it for the big tech companies and the newcomers, the startup. nobody can compete with them. >> nvidia and openai declined to comment about the story today. microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment . >> the fda has reversed its marketing ban on juul e-cigarette use. the fda first ordered the company, which was once headquartered in san francisco, to stop selling its products two years ago, but they have remained on store shelves pending an appeal. now, the agency says it is lifting the ban while it considers new court decisions and updated information from juul. the company has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements over claims that it marketed its products to young people. it's still the second most popular e-cigarette maker in the country. san francisco's first thursday block party is back. >> the event in the south of market neighborhood had its debut last month, and organizers really hoping here to keep the

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energy going. that's right, the second first thursday theme is in line with pride month ktvu. >> crystal bailey joins us now. she's live from second street, where it's all taking place. so, crystal, how's it looking out there? >> well, there's a ton of activity. there's crowd is growing by the minute. there's music, there's dancing, and there's all sorts of good vibes. there's even free events here tonight, including face painting, henna and prints. now, so far, it's drawing visitors from all over the bay area. last month, 10,000 people were here. and some of the businesses along second street reported having record sales. that's according to organizers. this month, downtown first thursdays has a special theme in honor of pride. >> a lot of incredible lgbtq performers and partners here. so i think it's a really special day to kind of, you know, celebrate and kick off pride. >> now, on top of all the businesses, there are also three bars out here outdoors. organizers say they expect a big crowd tonight, but they'll cap

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it to keep it safe for everyone. we have seen some law enforcement out here as well. they also say there are flash cams, flash mobs that will come out here tonight, dancers that will perform out of the blue, and a ten foot giant disco for a party. so it's going to be a fun thursday night. i'm live in san francisco back to you guys at the desk. >> yeah, a big party south of market. love to see it. crystal thank you. >> well, also a great evening for music, food and community. and residents in oakland are taking advantage at the first ever prescott night market, which is underway right now. the inaugural event is being held in west oakland with food vendors, artisans and other local businesses on hand. those who came out tonight said the event is boosting morale in the city. >> we really wanted to support west oakland as a community and the new ballpark and the new team in particular, because oakland needs it. we need a good shot in the arm and this is providing it. >> the night markets are being

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held once a month through october near the oakland ballers raymond field. the first three events have been scheduled to coordinate with the ballers home games. >> all right, a pleasant day today. the fog came back. temperatures cooled down a good ten to 15 to 20 degrees. perfect. inland still pretty hot. we still saw 90. and then far inland. you had upper 90s. but there is the fog and it's going to stick around for a little while, but it's restricted mainly to the coast. and as you look at the flag, you can see right here that's got a that's a pretty good little sea breeze going. and that even though we're not seeing fog getting much further than the flag, we are seeing the cool sea breeze get further inland. and so concord cooled off today. livermore valley cooled off today. so it's just a really nice, much milder, pleasanter day than yesterday. and then you can see the bite of the cool air, the greens. right. so that's where we are now. you still have 82 out in fairfield, 94 in brentwood. but. and then there's still one hundreds back

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here on the east side of the sacramento valley. but overall we are winding down this heat wave for the bay area. the inland areas are going to stay pretty warm for a little while with temperatures in the sacramento valley certainly back into the 90s tomorrow, upper 90s, maybe even low 100 as we go into the weekend. here is the temperature differential from yesterday to today. and you can see there is a big bump. 20 of 19 degrees cooler in napa. so a sea breeze goes a long way. and again, that's why san francisco bay area is such a popular why people like living here. because, you know, imagine if the bay ocean wasn't there and the sea breeze wasn't there. we'd all be in the red and it would be a you know, it's nice if you like the heat, but it's not super manageable when it gets as hot as it did yesterday. here are the here is the live picture from the golden gate bridge. and when we come back, we're going to look at the weekend, which is just down the road a couple couple of days here, not too far off. i'll have the full forecast for that. >> nice to see that fog there at the gate, bill. thank you. still to come, the state attorney general says certain measures

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are succeeding at reducing gun violence across california. >> also ahead, more outrage over violence in gaza, this time as an airstrike kills dozens of civilians and a cease fire deal hangs in the balance. >> and many homeowners have been angry at seeing their insurance policies getting dropped, with few other options. a state oversight group brains rmed if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash;

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national pressure intensifies on the israeli leader. this as there was another attack on a site in gaza where the un says civilians were taking shelter as the fighting intensifies. >> israel is coming under strong international criticism for targeting a un school in central gaza, it said contained a hamas compound claiming fighters involved in the october 7th attacks were hiding there and new attacks were being planned in the building. >> the compound was used for staging attacks and as a forward operating base. our strike was based on intelligence and used precise munitions, but the un tells a different story. >> they say the strike killed dozens of civilians seeking shelter, disputing claims of a precisely targeted attack and saying there's been little communication with israeli officials about the strike. >> andrea has protested officially to the israeli authorities about that hit, and has not received a response from the israeli authorities. >> the attack came after the israeli military announced a new

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ground and air assault in central gaza targeting hamas militants it says regrouped there, underscoring the difficulty of rooting out what's turned into a bloody insurgency. the biden administration says the uptick in violence only proves there is no military solution, and the best way to stop the fighting is for both sides to sign on to the us backed cease fire plan. >> we have wanted to see a response as soon as possible. we think this is an should be an urgent priority to get this cease fire over the line to start to alleviate the suffering that is happening every day in gaza. >> but getting that cease fire deal won't be easy. hamas is demanding an israeli withdrawal from gaza, something israel says won't happen. while hamas is in charge in tel aviv. trey yingst, fox news. >> new at six, an independent state oversight group hosted a virtual roundtable today regarding california's home insurance market. the discussion follows a series of hearings that the little hoover commission held earlier this year. the commission says it heard from residents who say the ongoing risk of wildfire is the

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big reason why they cannot get coverage. the commission says it believes reducing the impact of fire could play an important role in stabilizing the market. >> we heard that many californians have invested time and significant resources to fortify their homes against fire , yet there's no guarantee that these efforts will result in insurance coverage in the admitted market. and some of those who have made these investments still must turn to the fair plan. as the insurer of last resort. >> the discussion also included representatives from cal fire and insurance experts, all trying to look for a solution to bring insurers back to california. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, a mother is grieving the loss of her daughter in a drowning at a popular swimming place. the warning to other families who swim at that same spot and neighbors unnerved after a 19 year old was shot and killed in dolores park in san francisco. >> what investigators have been able to piece together so far,

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and kelsey whitmore will be making history tonight. >> our jason appelbaum will have the details a little later in sports.

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fraud charges last week. trump will next head to beverly hills and newport beach for additional fundraisers. >> a san francisco judge has dismissed several charges, including attempted murder against david depape, the man already convicted in federal court of beating nancy pelosi's husband paul pelosi, with a hammer. depape is still charged with residential burglary, false imprisonment and threatening the life or seriously serious bodily harm to a public official. he has already been sentenced to 30 years on the conviction in the federal trial for that attack. >> the california supreme court ruled unanimously today that uc berkeley can move forward to build housing at people's park. the justices denied arguments that the environmental impact review did not include an evaluation of the student noise levels, or the exploration of alternative locations. the university says it is pleased and relieved at the ruling. >> you're watching ktvu fox two news at 630 tonight, we're hearing from the mother who lost her daughter in a drowning.

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>> 11 year old dana gonzalez died while swimming in alameda creek. ktvu jesse gary shares with us the warning about the popular and dangerous spot. >> mari gonzalez sits in her east san jose apartment, clutching her daughter's favorite teddy bear and looking at her pictures on the wall. days from now, she'll bury her only child after an accidental death. memorial day. >> yo, me siento muy mal. >> i feel so bad that that i think i can't see my daughter with her boyfriend interpreting and not wanting to show her face, mari says. >> 11 year old dana gonzalez was a tall, energetic, athletic fifth grader. she died may 27th while swimming in the alameda creek, a 45 mile long waterway. the southern end of alameda county. >> ever since covid happened, people came out here to get out of their homes and to swim, and it's been a popular place ever since. >> fencing is up along the creek and there are numerous no

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swimming and warning signs posted. >> heartbreaking. i'm a father and you know it breaks your heart. the signs are posted, you know, for a reason. there's a lot of water dangers in the creek. >> mari says a friend invited her and her daughter to come to the park for the holiday weekend. she had never been here before and says she saw people swimming in the creek. she had no idea it was illegal and dangerous. >> la nina estaba nada. and he was playing in and swimming with some friends, and she got into the water and she can come out. >> a lot of people tried to help, but, they can't. >> dana got stuck underwater in an intake valve. this cell video shows how strong the suction is. witnesses say it took five men, 11 minutes to pull the girl up, but dana was pronounced dead a short time later at a nearby hospital. >> i don't think people understand how serious it looks. calm, but there's pools, and it

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took a life. >> we saw a family with young children squeezed past the fencing and go to the water's edge and warned them of the dangers they left, possibly preventing another tragedy. but for this single mother, there is no reprieve from the lifelong pain of losing her only child in east san jose. jesse gary ktvu fox two news. >> attorney general rob bonta said a state gun protection order may have saved lives here in the bay area. bonta released a new report this morning in sacramento covering nine different protection orders that are available in california. the state says the number of restraining orders issued more than doubled from 2020 to 2023. san diego and santa clara county saw the greatest number, making up 44% of the total. bonta described a workplace violence protection order at an undisclosed bay area hospital. >> protection orders again were the lead when a hospital in the bay area was able to get a

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workplace violence risk training order when a man who had previously threatened them showed up on site with a gun in his waistband and a knife around his neck, bonta said. >> the man was later arrested with more than 200 illegal firearms, including 11 machine guns and 1 million rounds of ammunition. >> a shooting at dolores park in san francisco left a 19 year old man dead, and now police are searching for a motive and the killer, ktvu crime reporter henry lee, spoke to investigators about what they know. >> and i've seen the crime, but i've not heard of a murder. and i'm very, very saddened to hear that. that's a tragedy. >> ran. saul wasser is reeling over the late night shooting death of a 19 year old man at dolores park in san francisco's mission district. >> here in my front yard and this 19 year old is he was shot and killed. so he's 19 and it's over. >> it happened near the corner of 20th and dolores at about ten

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wednesday night, san francisco police responded to reports of a shooting and found the victim suffering from numerous gunshot wounds. first responders tried to save him, but he died at the scene. no arrests have been made . police have not discussed a motive in the case. on thursday, park goers were taking advantage of the good weather, taking in views of the skyline at one of san francisco's most popular destinations. >> it is also a park that periodically has some public safety challenges. >> the park is in supervisor rafael mandelman district. >> no, i don't think people should overreact to this, but it's also important to be aware of your surroundings. pay attention to what's going on. >> some say the vibe of the park changes after dark, with people sitting on the benches late into the night. >> sometimes they're drinking, sometimes they're listening to music, stuff like that, it doesn't particularly make me feel unsafe, but do recognize that it's a little bit of a different feel. >> we caught up with brian dilld as he enjoyed his electric unicycle, the lowest park has always been like a super peaceful and chill place. >> i come here like. like three,

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four times a week. >> david and kieran wegener used to live in the area and were enjoying a picnic lunch in the park. >> we've been coming here for a long, long time and it's always been pleasant during the day and it's surprising that there's some such violence in the evening. >> supervisor mandelman says he's been in touch with a captain at sfpd mission station asking for stepped up patrols as the investigation continues. anyone with information is asked to give sfpd a call in san francisco. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> city leaders are working on a plan to bring pandas back to the san francisco zoo. but not everyone is welcoming that idea. >> and just a quick reminder that you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local app. you can watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of topics. it's a free downlo f for your

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pandas from china to the san

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francisco zoo. the board of supervisors, government audit and oversight committee today unanimously passed a funding resolution. it would authorize city agencies to solicit donations from various private entities and organizations to support the city in hosting the pandas. before passing that resolution. the committee heard public comment in opposition to the plan. >> san francisco zoo lacks knowledge about giant pandas. the program lacks financial stability, and it will sacrifice panda welfare. >> we are doing what we can in this resolution by explicitly broadening the waiver in terms of the allowable uses, to make sure that the mayor's office can be, and other entities listed can be reaching out for funds. >> the resolution now goes before the full board of supervisors next tuesday for approval. >> preparations are underway to construct the annual pink triangle in san francisco for pride month today. volunteers

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picked up supplies, including the pink tarps and spikes that hold the triangle to the hillside. every year, a bright pink triangle is installed on the north side of twin peaks. in june, it was used as a symbol in concentration camps to identify gay prisoners. the lgbtq community, though, has since reclaimed it as a symbol of pride. >> personal freedoms are definitely under attack. there are 500 laws proposed in various states across the country. anti gay anti-drag anti-trans bills. so the pink triangle is there to help stop that kind of hatred and discrimination. >> and the triangle will be finished on saturday. and then a ceremony will follow that will start at 1030 in the morning, right there at the top of twin peaks. >> a big difference from today to yesterday or yesterday to today, if you will. temperatures cooled off significantly and very pleasant. the fog is back. air quality is not too bad. i'll have the forecast for the weekend coming up. >> let's go to ktvu. alex

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savidge now with a look at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rapid seven right here on ktvu. julie thank you. >> coming up tonight at seven, former president trump arrives in san francisco. he got here just a short time ago. we'll have a breakdown on how he is wrapping up his first day of a tour of the west coast. also, cell phone video captures seattle police officers beating a screaming man with batons. and attorney tonight will weigh in on what some believe is excessive use of force. in this case, we'll have those stories and a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu, fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> but first, after the break, reflecting on d-day, 80 years later, veterans and world leaders gather in normandy to remember what it took to end the

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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! a special welcome today in france for the veterans who stormed the beaches of normandy 80 years ago. dozens of world war two vets were at ceremonies today to reflect on what is now remembered as d-day.

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>> everything is fine today for 98 year old. i can't believe the turnout and generosity of all the people. god bless everyone. it was overwhelming. >> i enjoyed every moment of it, but probably others deserve it more. >> well, nearly 160,000 allied troops, 73,000 from the u.s, landed in normandy on june 6th, 1944. more than 4000 were killed during the battle. >> ktvu allie rasmus shows us how world leaders, including president biden, showed their gratitude to the veterans. >> an entire day of music ceremonies. >> chevalier de la légion d'honneur. >> speeches and applause. the international d-day commemoration on omaha beach in france included moments both somber and celebratory. the 150 american world war two veterans still alive today who fought and

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survived d-day, took center stage 80 years ago, on june 6th, 1944. they were among the 150,000 allied troops who stormed the occupied french coastline by air, land and sea. historians say d-day helped lay the groundwork for allied forces to eventually defeat germany. the war ended 11 months afterwards. >> you saved the world and we must only defend it. >> we prove something else here as well. the unbreakable unity of the allies. >> president biden sought to draw parallels between past conflicts and present day international politics, speaking about the defense of democracy in the context of current conflicts in europe, ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky attended the ceremony in france this morning, even though the soviet union was part of the allied forces during world war two, the russian delegation was uninvited from the day's events because of the ongoing war in ukraine, 25 heads of state and more than 4500 spectators attended. actor tom hanks, who

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starred in the 1998 world war two film saving private ryan, was a surprise guest. u.s. service members paid their respects to the veterans by reenacting their brave moments, like the u.s. airborne divisions parachuting onto the beaches and a u.s. navy seal reenactment of the landing of the second naval beach battalion, but felt more spiritual in the sense that, that these guys from 80 years ago are here with us, to sort of bless us, to say like, thank you for, like telling us our story. >> and, that's really important for what we did today, bringing history alive and making sure the bravery and sacrifices of the past are not forgotten. >> allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> okay, it was a beautiful day today. temperatures were cooler. you noticed that for sure. especially in the bay area. it's still pretty warm in the central valley. these were the highs from today. and again you'll see the numbers are down from. they were low 100 yesterday. today farewells fairfield's 98 as

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opposed to the 103 yesterday which you go 98 is hot. yeah it's hot but i'm sure if you were in fairfield you're like, no, it felt cooler today in three degrees. or was that to 5 or 6 degrees cooler? 68 in oakland. now it's much cooler around the bay. we had cooling conditions at the coast where the fog is now back. and with the fog being kind of a player for the next few days, it's going to be it's going to be around and you can see what it does. it chews out this area of heat. so right there you see that hole. that's the fog and the marina and not just fog. it's the cool air and you can see what it's done. it chews it up and drops temperatures in this case almost 20 degrees from where we were last night. at this time, 13 degrees cooler in oakland, minus two and half moon bay, which makes sense. 14 degrees cooler in mountain view. and so flags showing on the golden gate bridge. it is blowing onshore and so berkeley has cooled off. albany, richmond . it's a nice day. much nicer heat advisory still in effect because the inland areas are hot, but the heat advisory will get dropped around midnight tonight, 11:00 tonight, maybe

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sooner. and then the central valley is going to drop their excessive heat warning as well, although there are still some very high temperatures down there. there's the fog for tomorrow morning and then it burns back to the coast and then you see the heat. but it's all on the east back end of the of the sacramento valley. so this is kind of typical summer right here, isn't it. you got the 50s at the coast to 90s inland. so that footprint is very, very normal for not it's not quite summer yet but very typical for this time of year. here are the temperature forecast for tomorrow. and you'll see that it's down a couple more degrees as more air filters inland. and then these temperatures will kind of hover really right through the bay area weekend for the most part. so it's definitely going to be a pleasant weekend, but not as hot. and then starts to warm up a little bit next week. so the heat advisory stays in effect. but it gets dropped pretty soon julie. >> all right bill thank you. >> 40 niners expanding their business partnerships, fan engagement and community outreach in mexico.

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>> that's right. more than 100 students in los cabos got to experience flag football drills and steam education lessons. i want to show you some footage provided by the 49ers foundation of the event. last week, the kids met with 49ers legend patrick willis and learned about how science, technology, engineering and math relates to the game. the 49ers edu program partnered with the los cabos tourism board for the clinic, with the hopes of advancing their business goals and niners football. >> i think the 40 niners do an amazing job of trying to, represent the latino community and their voice, and i think this is just another representation of their commitment to the latino community, specifically in mexico, and how we're trying to grow the sport, grow the fans, and really just create community across the border. >> all of the students who took part are part of their own leagues in los cabos. this program is a follow up to the one held in 2022, when the niners played in mexico city as

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part of the nfl international series in alameda. >> high school alum nearly flawless against the oakland a's jason appelbaum. we'll have that story coming up ext in sports flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning! oh, yes please! oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours.

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have one of the most talented rosters in the nfl. one of those players is, without question, defensive captain fred warner, who is now entering his seventh season and coming off arguably his best season, in which he was named a unanimous first team all pro selection. warner has led the niners in tackles each of his first six seasons. he could do it all. he could stuff the run, cover, wide receiver, sack the quarterback. and at age 27, he's just entering his prime. >> aging like fine wine, really. you know, you know, i take pride in taking care of my body, right? i always i think a big part of it is just always being curious, you know, just always looking for what new ways to recover and get better. yeah. i think it's, it's just the best. i felt former alameda high baseball star brian woo returned

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to the bay area with the mariners and completely shut down his hometown team today, 6500 at the coliseum, including this young fella still figuring out his moves. >> meantime, woo! he had it all figured out. the 24 year old, right hander was brilliant painting the corners all afternoon. six strikeouts for woo, who allowed just two hits and no runs in six innings of work. seattle's offense wasn't great either. just like the a's, but it was good enough. mitch garver with a little icing on the cake. home run in the ninth. he had two of the mariners three rbis as seattle takes the rubber match three nothing. the a's have now lost six of their last eight they welcome in the toronto blue jays tomorrow the oakland ballers. they will make pioneer league history tonight when kelsey whitmore takes the mound against the yolo high wheelers. she will become the first female to start a game in

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league history thus far this season. whitmore's pitch four and two thirds innings, but all as a reliever. so this will be different. and it comes in just the third home game ever for the ballers, who play at raymond park in west oakland. i caught up with kelsey and asked her about her approach. when she takes the mound. >> more of a pitcher that's crafty. so i got to get, you know, working to really get batters off balance. and, and really just try to miss barrels and get as many ground balls, fly outs as i can, goal is to try to have as much movement as i can with each pitch in my arsenal, and just trying to be smart. >> and check this out. former nfl great jj watt, you know, he makes for an imposing soccer player. we'll watch him watch this. he runs over the goalkeeper as he goes in for the header. >> oh gosh everyone was fine particularly the keeper. run into him. how big is jj watt six

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foot six 285 pounds. >> he was playing for team burnley in something known as that's painful. the soccer tournament in cary north carolina. you know, the winner of that tournament. that guy is going to be sore? >> oh yeah. >> the winner of that tournament gets a million bucks, by the way. so it's not just for fun. that tournament. you can see how hard he is a great athlete. >> yeah, of course he is. three time very g to if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene.

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we're here to support americans first. support of former president trump lining the streets in san francisco tonight, hoping to catch a glimpse of the presumptive republican nominee. >> protesters right there with them tried to steal an election, inspired an insurrection

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