Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (2024)

This Protein Chia Pudding is a great way to add more protein to your mornings. It’s slightly sweet and chocolaty with a boost of protein to keep you satisfied for longer. It’s also vegan with a paleo option.

Like I said in my Protein Brownies and PB2 Overnight Oats posts, I’m trying to get in more protein. This chia chocolate protein pudding is a good breakfast treat to help with that!

You could also have it for dessert, but it’s more suited for breakfast, I think. It’s very lightly sweetened.

I wouldn’t serve this to company as dessert unless they are very health-conscious. Then there wouldn’t be any disappointment. ;)

If you’d like a chia pudding that’s more of a dessert and/or don’t like the lumps that chia seeds add, then try my Chocolate Chia Pudding.

That one is made in a blender and results in a texture that’s exactly like regular pudding! It even tastes like regular pudding.

Today’s recipe can also be blended in a high-speed blender to get a totally smooth texture, but the texture is more goopy than the other recipe.

Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (1)

Chocolate protein powder

In today’s recipe, I used this vegan protein powder – Dr. Murray Super Foods Chocolate Flavored Protein Powder.

I use the vanilla-flavored one in my Cinnamon Overnight Oats almost every week and love it.

I also have a fantastic cookie recipe coming up that uses it! I’ve tried it with two different brands of protein powder, and when you make cookies, you can see a huge difference in just how much different brands absorb.

The Dr. Murray brand produced perfectly shaped cookies, but the other cookies – also made with a brand I love – kind of just melted into a puddle.

The absorption rate isn’t super important for this chia pudding, though. If you find it too dry once it’s ready, just add more milk.

If you’re not vegan, but are paleo, it works great with Julian Bakery Paleo Chocolate Protein Powder.

Does the pudding taste weird?

If you use a protein powder that tastes weird, then your pudding will likely taste weird. A little bit of cocoa powder and maple syrup isn’t going to cover up any weirdness going on with your protein powder.

If you use a protein powder that tastes good and doesn’t have a strange aftertaste, then your pudding should taste like normal chia pudding.

Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (2)

Can I just omit the protein powder?

I tried a protein powder-free version for the people who don’t want to use it.

You need at least 2 tablespoons of maple syrup (instead of 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons) and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (instead of 1 1/2 tablespoons).

Can I omit the chia seeds?

No. Without it, you’d have chocolate milk. Seriously! It’d just be milk, cocoa powder, maple syrup, chocolate protein powder and vanilla.

What about using flax in its place?

Nope! There’s really no sub for it in this recipe.

Can I use a different sweetener?

Any other liquid sweetener should work fine. I think maple tastes better than honey in this recipe, but you can use it if you don’t mind the difference in taste.

I haven’t tried any granulated sweeneters in this, but I’m guessing they wouldn’t dissolve properly. I could be wrong, though. You’d also need to add a little bit of extra liquid.

Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (3)

Can I use X type of cocoa/cacao powder?

I used Dutch-process cocoa powder. Any other type should work here, but the result won’t be as chocolaty.

If you use cacao powder, then you should be prepared for a major differnce in taste. You can read more about that here → Cacao vs Cocoa.

Other pudding recipes

  • Vegan Coconut Pudding is thick and creamy, and paleo-friendly. It’s ready in just 15 minutes!

  • Healthy Rasberry Pudding is sweetened with fruit and makes a terrific guilt-free treat. Naturally gluten-free with paleo, vegan and dairy-free options.

  • Healthy Mint Chocolate Pudding puts two great tastes into one healthy sweet. Naturally gluten-free with vegan and paleo options.

  • Vegan Chocolate Pudding is super-rich and tastes just like regular pudding! It’s also paleo, but you’d never know!

  • Gluten-free Pudding is super easy and made with ingredients you probably already have at home. It can easily be made dairy-free or vegan.

  • Keto Chocolate Pudding is a no-cook treat that is quick and easy to make. It’s ultra-rich and creamy and believe it or not, it’s also vegan.

I hope you’ll enjoy the pudding if you try it! Please hashtag #texanerin on social media in case you share so I can check it out. :)

Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (4)


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Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (5)

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  • Prep Time:
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  • Ready in:
  • Yield: 1 2/3 cups


  • 1/4 cup (42 grams) whole chia seeds
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons (12 grams) Dutch-process cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate protein powder
  • 1 cup (240 ml) cashew milk (or whatever type you like)
  • 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt


  1. In a small mixing bowl, stir together the chia seeds, cocoa powder and protein powder.
  2. Then stir in the milk, maple syrup (using 1 1/2 tablespoons), vanilla and salt until no lumps of cocoa remain. Taste and add up to another 1/2 tablespoon of maple syrup.
  3. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, stirring after about 30-60 minutes (the seeds sometimes float to the top and create a weird layer if you don't stir them after 30-60 minutes).
  4. Can be refrigerated for up to 2 days. If topping with berries, only do so right before serving.


  • For vegan: use plant-based milk and vegan protein powder.
  • For paleo: use cashew milk and paleo protein powder.


Recipe by Texanerin Baking|

Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (6)

Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (7)

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Protein Chia Pudding - Texanerin Baking (2024)


Is it OK to eat chia pudding every morning? ›

Limited research in animals and humans has found that taking chia seeds daily can lead to greater weight loss and bone mineral content ( 14 , 24 ). That said, eating too many can cause some side effects, so start with a small dose, like 1 oz (28 g) daily, and make sure to drink plenty of water.

Is 2 tablespoons of chia seeds a day too much? ›

These tiny seeds can provide fiber that helps lower cholesterol, boost your heart health and reduce your risk of developing chronic disease. That said, because chia seeds are packed with fiber and are calorie dense, stick with no more than 2 tablespoons per day.

How many grams of protein does chia seed pudding have? ›

Chia pudding is a fantastic breakfast that's high in healthy fats and fibre, making it great for your gut and helps release energy slowly throughout the morning. However, it's not a great source of protein – a regular chia pudding recipe only offers around 6g of protein per serving (2g per tbsp of chia seeds).

Is chia pudding healthier than overnight oats? ›

Not only are overnight oats the heavier option in terms of texture, they are also richer in nutrients. Although chia seeds provide healthy protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, whole-grain oats are a heartier source of vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy antioxidants, and are generally considered more filling.

What not to mix with chia seeds? ›

Omega-3 fatty acids: Chia seeds contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. It is known that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, it is advised to avoid taking chia seeds with foods or supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Can chia seeds reduce belly fat? ›

Both Chia seeds and Ginger have been shown in some studies to help suppress appetite. Feeling fuller for longer may lead to reduced calorie intake, which can contribute to weight loss, including fat loss in the belly area.

What are the disadvantages of having chia seeds daily? ›

However, certain individuals may experience side effects if they eat large quantities of chia seeds, including those with diabetes, high blood pressure, and allergies. Too many chia seeds may also lead to digestive issues, and if someone overeats chia seeds, it could lead to weight gain.

What does Mayo Clinic say about chia seeds? ›

Chia is rich in lignans and omega-3 fatty acids for cardiovascular health. These seeds also contain magnesium, an important mineral for brain, digestive tract and heart health. Add chia to cereal, yogurt, salads and smoothies, or use it make puddings for a nutrient-dense snack.

Are chia seeds good for the kidneys and liver? ›

Because flax seeds and chia seeds are low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, they are healthy for all the following kidney conditions and treatments: CKD/Transplant. Hemodialysis (3 times/week) Daily Home and Nocturnal Hemodialysis/Peritoneal Dialysis.

Does chia seed pudding spike blood sugar? ›

Chia seeds help reduce blood sugar and high blood pressure.

Is chia pudding high in cholesterol? ›

Even though more studies are needed in this area, chia seeds are high in soluble fiber and the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid—both heart-healthy ingredients that can help keep your lipid levels in check. 3 Because of this, chia seeds may be included in a diet to lower your cholesterol and triglycerides.

Do chia seeds have more protein than eggs? ›

In conclusion, while eggs have a higher protein content per serving compared to chia seeds, both can be part of a balanced diet. Eggs are a complete protein source and provide a concentrated dose of protein with essential vitamins and minerals.

Is chia pudding OK to eat everyday? ›

Chia seeds are highly nutritious, boast a long list of health benefits and can be a healthy dietary addition for most. However, moderation is key, as eating too many may cause side effects. To prevent this, start with 1 ounce (28 grams) daily and assess your tolerance before slowly increasing your intake.

What does chia pudding do to your gut? ›

Chia seeds are a good source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation and support healthy digestion. The omega-3 fatty acids and caffeic acid in chia seeds may reduce inflammation in the gut. This can alleviate symptoms of IBS, such as abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

Is chia pudding a superfood? ›

Superfood Chia Seed Pudding is loaded with essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. It is quick and easy to make and makes a great breakfast option for busy mornings.

How often can you eat chia seed pudding? ›

In terms of how much chia to eat each day, it's smart to stick to the 2-tablespoon serving size. You'll probably want to break this up throughout the day, adding a teaspoon or two to your smoothie, another teaspoon in your mid-morning yogurt, and the rest in recipes like chia pudding.

Can we eat chia seeds in morning empty stomach? ›

Consuming chia seeds on an empty stomach ensures that your body receives these vital nutrients first thing in the morning, supporting cardiovascular health throughout the day. Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast can have a profound impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.

What are the health benefits of chia pudding breakfast? ›

Among them:
  • reducing blood pressure.
  • lowering cholesterol levels.
  • supporting digestive health.
  • aiding in weight management.
  • reducing inflammation.
  • helping to control diabetes.
  • protecting against chronic disease.
  • improving anxiety and depression.
Feb 21, 2024


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