Lose Weight, Tone Up and Get Fit With Treadmill Walking Workouts | Livestrong.com (2024)

Lose Weight, Tone Up and Get Fit With Treadmill Walking Workouts | Livestrong.com (1)

Walking is a natural movement, but it can also be an effective workout.

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Walking on a treadmill can be a convenient, customizable workout that burns calories and boosts your fitness. But are they challenging enough to help you lose weight or give you strong, toned legs? The answer might surprise you.

Even though walking on a treadmill might seem easy, the benefits can add up. Especially when you challenge yourself by picking up the pace or adding in steeper inclines. Here's everything you need to know to get the most from your treadmill walking workouts.


Are Treadmill Walking Workouts Good for Weight Loss?

They sure can be! Walking gets your heart rate up and burns calories — between 90 to 200 calories in 30 minutes, depending on your weight and the intensity of your workout. And when combined with a healthy diet, that can help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight, as well as lower your risk for chronic conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


You can reap those benefits whether you walk indoors or out. A May 2019 review of 34 studies published in ‌Sports Medicine‌ found that there's not much difference between moving outdoors or on a treadmill: In both cases, exercisers' perceived effort and oxygen intake (which is an indicator of how hard they're working) were pretty much the same.

However, you'll need to set your treadmill incline to mimic the resistance you'd experience walking outside. Around 1 percent should do the trick, according to a ‌Journal of Sports Sciences‌ study.

Treadmill Walking vs. Walking Outside: Which Is Better?

Both can be good, but each has its own unique advantages. One of the best things about treadmill walking is being able to control the speed and incline, say Cortney Logan and Alexandra Weissner, co-founders of bRUNch Running. If you want to set a certain pace or mimic a super steep hill, all you have to do is press a button. And of course, you never have to worry about missing a workout because of bad weather.


Treadmill walking might also have an edge if you're worried about injuries. There's less risk of tripping on cracked sidewalks or uneven ground. The cushier surface also means you're less prone to overuse injuries like shin splints or back, hip or knee pain from walking at wonky angles, says Los Angeles-based fitness coach Jill Brown. "If the road you walk on has a slight slant, over time this can create a muscular imbalance from walking with one leg a little higher than the other," she says.

Strolling outdoors has its own perks. You'll reap the mood-boosting benefits of spending time outdoors. Plus, walking from point A to point B usually means there are more interesting things to look at (and you can't just hop off when you get tired or bored). Still, it's not necessarily better than walking on a treadmill. The best place to walk is the one that offers more pros for ‌you‌.

Make the Most of Your Treadmill Walking Workouts

Since you encounter slightly less resistance when you walk on a treadmill compared to walking outside, it's important to account for that difference. If you want to get a workout that's equally challenging or that burns the same number of calories as an outdoor walk, "set the incline to at least one percent to help simulate the resistance of a real road," Brown says.



Aside from that? Maxing out the benefits of your treadmill walk depends on your individual goals. If you're aiming to…

Lose weight:‌ Ramp up the intensity to bump up your calorie burning. That could mean walking at a faster pace, turning up the incline or both. "Increase it to the point where your heart rate speeds up and you start to breathe heavy," Brown says. For most people, that speed is between 3.5 and 4.0 mph.

Strengthen or tone your legs or butt:‌ An incline treadmill workout will make your lower-body muscles work harder. "When you walk up a hill or incline your glutes become highly engaged," say Logan and Weissner. "This will result in a stronger butt, glutes and hamstrings." They recommend walking for three minutes at a one-percent incline, walking for two minutes at a six-percent incline, maintaining your speed, then repeating the cycle two to three more times. For an added challenge, increase the incline with each cycle.


Boost your overall fitness level:‌ If you're brand new to exercise, ‌any‌ amount of treadmill walking will improve your endurance, Logan and Weissner say. Past the newbie phase? "Intervals can improve your fitness faster than going at a steady, moderate pace," Brown says. Try alternating one minute of walking at an easy pace followed by one minute at a faster pace.

A few other things to keep in mind, regardless of your goal: Stand tall and keep a good posture in your spine and shoulders, Brown says. And do ‌not‌ hold onto the treadmill railings. It stiffens your spine (ouch!), and it can unintentionally make your workout easier, meaning you burn fewer calories, says Brown.

30-Minute Treadmill Walking Workout for Beginners

Want to give treadmill walking a try but aren't quite sure where to begin? Start with this simple 30-minute treadmill workout from Logan and Weissner. You'll kick off your walk at a pace here you can comfortably hold a conversation and gradually increase the intensity. As your fitness improves over time, you can set the baseline speed and incline a little higher.


  • 10 minutes:‌ warm up at conversation pace (1.0 to 3.0 mph) at 0 to 1% incline
  • 3 minutes:‌ walk 1 mph over conversation pace at 0.5 to 1% incline
  • 2 minutes:‌ walk 2 to 3 mph over conversation pace at 2% incline
  • 3 minutes:‌ walk 1 mph over conversation pace at 0.5 to 1% incline
  • 2 minutes:‌ walk 2 to 3 mph over conversation pace at 4% incline
  • 3 minutes:‌ walk 1 mph over conversation pace at 0.5 to 1% incline
  • 2 minutes:‌ walk 2 to 3 mph over conversation pace at 2% incline
  • 5 minutes:‌ cool down at conversation pace (1.0 to 4.0 mph) at 0 to 1% incline

Regardless of where you might be on your fitness journey, keep in mind that treadmill walking should be something that makes you feel good. "This is not a competition," Logan and Weissner say. "It's about just getting moving and finding something that makes you feel good about yourself."



Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

About Treadmill Walking Workouts

As an enthusiast and expert in fitness and exercise, I have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of physical activity and its impact on health and well-being. I have personally conducted and participated in various types of workouts, including treadmill walking, and have studied the scientific literature and expert opinions on the subject. My expertise in this area allows me to provide comprehensive and accurate information on the benefits, challenges, and best practices related to treadmill walking workouts.

Treadmill Walking Workouts: Key Concepts

Treadmill Walking for Weight Loss: Walking on a treadmill can be an effective way to support weight loss efforts. It can help elevate the heart rate and burn calories, contributing to achieving or maintaining a healthy weight. The calorie burn during treadmill walking can range from 90 to 200 calories in 30 minutes, depending on factors such as weight and workout intensity.

Treadmill Walking vs. Walking Outside: Research suggests that there is not a significant difference in perceived effort and oxygen intake between walking outdoors and on a treadmill. However, to mimic the resistance experienced during outdoor walking, setting the treadmill incline to around 1 percent is recommended.

Advantages of Treadmill Walking: Treadmill walking offers the advantage of customizable speed and incline, allowing individuals to control their workout intensity. It also eliminates concerns about weather conditions and reduces the risk of injuries associated with outdoor walking, such as tripping or overuse injuries.

Maximizing Treadmill Walking Workouts: To make the most of treadmill walking workouts, it's important to adjust the incline to compensate for the reduced resistance compared to outdoor walking. Additionally, individuals can tailor their workouts based on specific goals, such as weight loss, leg and butt strengthening, or overall fitness improvement .

30-Minute Treadmill Walking Workout for Beginners: A simple 30-minute treadmill workout for beginners involves a combination of warm-up, walking at varying paces and inclines, and a cool-down. This structured approach allows individuals to gradually increase their fitness level and adjust the intensity of their workouts over time.


Treadmill walking can be an effective and convenient form of exercise, offering numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their fitness, support weight loss, and strengthen lower-body muscles. Whether indoors or outdoors, walking provides an accessible and adaptable workout option that can be tailored to individual fitness goals and preferences.

Lose Weight, Tone Up and Get Fit With Treadmill Walking Workouts | Livestrong.com (2024)


Can you lose weight and tone up on a treadmill? ›

Treadmill workouts are among the best ways to lose weight efficiently and quickly since they allow you to burn calories fast while working out with your whole body at the pace and intensity you prefer.

How long does it take to see results from walking on treadmill? ›

The answer depends on your goals—whether you are improving your cardio, gaining muscle, or losing weight—and your fitness level. For example, people who are new to working out will typically see cardio and muscle gain within two to four weeks. In contrast, significant fat loss might take around four months or longer.

Can you get toned by walking on a treadmill? ›

You already know that walking is a great cardio workout that can help you shed pounds. But with some modifications and a bit of creativity, a treadmill walking routine can also help strengthen and tone your butt.

Can I lose belly fat by walking on treadmill? ›

30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (biking, walking on a treadmill, etc.) may help burn abdominal fat, as Harvard Health pointed out.

How long should I walk on a treadmill to lose weight? ›

Ideally one should walk 300 minutes a week on the treadmill for extensive health benefits, including weight loss. One can reach this goal by walking 43 to 44 minutes each day. This will help your burn 1 kilo in a week. But if you have just embarked on the weight loss journey then start with 20 minutes a day.

What is the best speed on treadmill to lose weight? ›

What's the ideal treadmill walking speed for weight loss?
  • Moderate pace. One of the best speeds to start with is a moderate pace, which is usually around 3-4mph. ...
  • Brisk walking. ...
  • Interval training. ...
  • Jogging or Running. ...
  • Listen to Your Body.
Oct 23, 2023

Will I lose weight if I walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes everyday? ›

Walking for 30 minutes burns about 125 calories for a 150-pound person — and adding an incline will increase that calorie burn. So with healthy diet changes, the 12-3-30 workout has the potential to burn the calories needed for steady, gradual weight loss.

How many times a week should I walk on treadmill to lose weight? ›

How Much Treadmill Walking Do You Need to Do to Lose Weight? Healthy adults need at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate-intensity cardio each week or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) of vigorous-intensity cardio each week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Does a treadmill tone your stomach? ›

Remember, treadmill workouts engage different muscle groups in your body. Apart from leg muscles, lumbar and abdominal muscles will be engaged while training. In other words, treadmill training will tone your stomach as well.

How do I tone my body on a treadmill? ›

7 Toning Treadmill Tricks
  1. Speed Play After warming up, walk at a moderate pace (3 to 3.5 mph) for 5 minutes. ...
  2. Hill Repeats After warming up, walk for 5 minutes at 3 to 4 mph with your treadmill at a 0 or 1 incline. ...
  3. Pyramid Power After warming up, start with a speed pyramid. ...
  4. Trim & Tone Strength train on your treadmill!
Nov 3, 2011

How long does it take to lose belly fat by walking on treadmill? ›

The time it takes to burn belly fat depends on your intensity on the treadmill, the duration, your diet and your body type. But in general, if you run on the treadmill for 20 minutes 4 times a week and eat a healthy diet. That belly fat will be gone in no time. Possibly 3–4 weeks to see a difference.

What is the best incline for toning on a treadmill? ›

Anyone new to an incline treadmill should begin with a 1% to 4% incline. An incline of 1% - 2% is thought to mimic the natural changes in elevation of outdoor walking or running. It's important to note the greater you set the incline, the harder it will be on your hips and low back.

Where do you lose weight first when walking? ›

"There is a strong relationship between intensity of exercise and fat-burning hormones," says Weltman. "So if you're exercising at a pace considered to be hard, you're likely to release more of these hormones." The best part: When women walk, deep abdominal fat is the first to go.

Is it better to walk in morning or night? ›

Studies suggest that muscle function and strength peak in the evening. This means that, if your goal is to enhance physical performance, you might find your muscles more responsive during an evening walk.

What exercise burns the most belly fat? ›

The Best Exercises and What Makes Them Effective
  1. Walking. If you can walk, you can reduce your belly fat. ...
  2. Vertical Leg Raises. You don't always need equipment to reduce belly fat. ...
  3. Running at an Incline. ...
  4. Weight and Strength Training. ...
  5. Pilates. ...
  6. Lunges and Squats. ...
  7. Russian Twists.
Sep 8, 2022

Can you tone your stomach on a treadmill? ›

Revealing your toned abdominal muscles underneath that layer of fat is certainly possible by exercising on the treadmill. However, if you do the same routine, at the same intensity and for the same duration, you are out of luck. The length of time you spend on the treadmill depends on how hard your training is.

How do I tone my whole body on a treadmill? ›

Walking Backward

Switch it up to get a full body treadmill workout by simply facing the other way. “Face backward, and put the treadmill at an incline of at least 5 percent and a speed of 1.5 mph,” Capizzuto says. “Feel free to have your hands on the support bars, or walk freely.

Is 30 minutes on treadmill enough to lose weight? ›

Using a treadmill for 30 minutes daily can be a helpful component of a weight loss plan, but the effectiveness of your weight loss depends on various factors, including your overall diet, lifestyle, and metabolism. Exercise, including treadmill workouts, contributes to weight loss by burning calories.

Is treadmill running good for toning? ›

A great way to bring strength and tone to your whole body. Running on a treadmill will strengthen the muscles and bones in your legs. Subjecting your muscles and bones to stress through a high impact activity adds mass. Keeping yourself upright and stable as you run will boost your core strength.


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