20 Pros and Cons of Being a Freemason | Ablison (2024)

Pros And Cons Of Being A Freemason

Are you intrigued by the mysterious world of Freemasonry? The secret society has been around for centuries, and its members are known to be some of the most influential people in history. However, with secrecy comes curiosity and skepticism about what really goes on behind closed doors.

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of being a Freemason.

Joining the Freemasons can offer many benefits, such as networking opportunities, access to exclusive events, and a sense of brotherhood among members. Not only that, but it’s also believed that being a member can lead to personal growth through their teachings and rituals.

On the other hand, there are criticisms surrounding the organization’s exclusivity and lack of transparency. Some question whether or not their practices align with modern values and ethics.

So let’s dive deeper into both sides to see if becoming a Freemason is right for you.

Table of Contents

Pros of Being a Freemason

  1. Historical Legacy: Being a Freemason means being part of the oldest fraternal organization in the world, rooted in the rich history of medieval Europe. This offers a unique sense of continuity and tradition. Members can take pride in belonging to an organization with such a longstanding and storied past.
  2. Philanthropic Focus: Over time, Freemasonry shifted its focus from cathedral building to social and philanthropic endeavors. This transition signifies a commitment to improving society and the lives of its members. As a result, members can participate in various charitable activities and initiatives.
  3. Network of Influence: Considering that fourteen of the first 43 U.S. presidents were Freemasons, it implies that members may benefit from a network of influence and connections. This could open doors to various opportunities and collaborative ventures in multiple fields.
  4. Universal Representation: With a Masonic Grand Lodge in every U.S. state and the District of Columbia, being a Freemason ensures wide representation and presence. This ubiquity allows members to find and connect with like-minded individuals regardless of their geographic location.
  5. Mystique and Ritual: The Freemasons’ unique rituals and secret passwords provide a sense of belonging and mystery to members. Rooted in the traditions of the medieval guild, these practices offer a bonding experience and foster a tight-knit community.
  6. Clear Symbols of Belief: Symbols like “The Square and Compasses” and the “All-Seeing Eye” provide clear visual representation of the organization’s beliefs. Such symbols offer a sense of unity and shared values among members.
  7. Variety of Recognition Groups: With the presence of two main recognition groups, Regular and Continental Freemasonry, members can choose a path that aligns best with their beliefs and values. This diversification allows for a broadened perspective and adaptability.
  8. Emphasis on Virtuous Living: Freemasonry’s overarching goal of guiding its members towards virtuous and socially oriented lives means that members are constantly encouraged to grow and improve. This personal development focus benefits members both within and outside the lodge.
  9. Clear Boundary on Controversial Topics: Regular Freemasonry prohibits the discussion of religion and politics within the lodge. This can ensure a harmonious environment by avoiding divisive subjects, promoting unity among members.
  10. Universal Values: By insisting on the presence of a volume of scripture in a working lodge and a belief in a Supreme Being, Freemasonry fosters a universal sense of spirituality. This can help unify members across diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

Cons of Being a Freemason

  1. Secrecy Concerns: The secret passwords and rituals, while fostering unity among members, can also raise concerns about transparency and secrecy for outsiders. This could result in misunderstandings and misconceptions about the organization’s objectives.
  2. Exclusion of Women: Regular Freemasonry’s insistence on not admitting women can be seen as discriminatory in the modern age. This gender-based exclusion limits the diversity and inclusivity of the organization.
  3. Potential for Misconceptions: Given the organization’s rich history and widespread presence, misconceptions, like connections to the Knights Templar, may arise. Correcting such misconceptions can be challenging, potentially affecting the organization’s public perception.
  4. Limited Scope of Discussion: While avoiding divisive subjects like religion and politics can promote harmony, it might also limit the scope of intellectual discussion. Some members might feel restricted from discussing topics they’re passionate about.
  5. Challenges of Modern Relevance: Being rooted in medieval traditions might pose challenges in terms of the organization’s relevance to modern society. Adapting to contemporary societal values without compromising on traditions can be a balancing act.
  6. Overemphasis on Ritual: While rituals and traditions foster a sense of unity, there might be a risk of overemphasizing form over substance. This could potentially overshadow the organization’s philanthropic and social goals.
  7. Perceived Elitism: Given the past membership of influential figures, there might be a perception of Freemasonry as an elite or exclusive organization. This perception could deter potential members or invite undue scrutiny.
  8. Multiple Recognition Groups: While having Regular and Continental Freemasonry offers choices, it can also result in fragmentation and lack of a singular vision or objective for the organization as a whole.
  9. Commitment Requirements: Joining Freemasonry may come with expectations of time, effort, and commitment to the lodge’s activities. Potential members might be deterred by the perceived intensity of these requirements.
  10. Potential Social Stigma: Due to the secretive nature and misconceptions surrounding Freemasonry, members might face social stigma or be misunderstood in their personal or professional lives. This could influence interpersonal relationships or career prospects.
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The Benefits Of Joining Freemasonry

Joining the Freemasons is like joining an exclusive club, but with secret handshakes and mysterious rituals. It’s a society steeped in history that has had its share of controversy over the years. But for those who decide to take the plunge, there are numerous benefits.

One of the main advantages of being a member is the social impact it can have on your life. You’ll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who share similar values and beliefs. This sense of community can provide a strong support system, as well as opportunities for networking and personal growth.

Additionally, many lodges engage in charitable work, which allows members to give back to their communities while also bonding over a common cause.

Opportunities For Networking And Exclusive Events

The benefits of joining Freemasonry are numerous, from the personal growth and development opportunities to the sense of belonging in a community. However, it is important to also consider the potential drawbacks before deciding to become a member.

Here are some pros and cons of being a freemason:


  • Career advantages: Being part of an exclusive network can provide access to job opportunities or connections that may not otherwise be available.
  • Social connections: Freemasonry offers social events where members can meet new people and build lasting relationships with like-minded individuals.
  • Sense of purpose: For many members, being part of something larger than themselves gives them a sense of meaning and fulfillment.


  • Time commitment: Being an active member requires attending meetings and participating in various activities, which can be challenging for those with busy schedules.
  • Perception by others: Some people view Freemasonry as secretive or even suspicious, which could potentially harm one’s reputation or professional standing.
  • Cost: There are membership fees and other expenses associated with being a freemason, which may not fit into everyone’s budget.

Despite these considerations, many individuals find great value in their membership in Freemasonry. Whether pursuing career goals or simply seeking social connection and personal growth, this organization offers unique opportunities for those who choose to join.

A Sense Of Brotherhood And Community

The positive aspects of being a Freemason include camaraderie, support, friendship, and a sense of belonging.

However, the exclusivity and pressure to conform to certain standards can be seen as negative aspects of the organization.

Additionally, some may view Freemasonry as elitist and exclusionary.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide if the pros outweigh the cons.

Positive: Camaraderie

One of the biggest pros of being a Freemason is building relationships with other members. The sense of camaraderie and brotherhood that comes with being part of this community is truly special.

Whether it’s through shared experiences during lodge meetings, participating in charity events, or simply spending time together outside of Masonic activities, lifelong connections are formed.

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The bonds created within Freemasonry extend beyond just socializing; they often provide support during difficult times as well. Brothers can rely on each other for guidance, advice, and even financial assistance if needed.

This strong network of individuals who share common values creates an incredibly tight-knit community that many find invaluable. Building these types of relationships can be life-changing and one of the most rewarding aspects of being a Freemason.


One of the most significant benefits of being a part of the Freemasonry community is the strong sense of support that members provide for each other. Beyond just socializing and building relationships, brothers can rely on one another as mentors during difficult times.

This mentorship often extends beyond just practical advice; it includes emotional support and guidance.

In addition to providing personal support, Freemasons are also known for their charitable contributions within their communities. When a brother needs assistance, whether due to financial hardship or health-related issues, fellow members come together to lend a hand in any way they can.

The sense of camaraderie and shared values among Freemasons creates an incredibly supportive network that many find invaluable.

Personal Growth Through Teachings And Rituals

Individual growth is a key component of Freemasonry. Through teachings and rituals, members are encouraged to explore philosophical concepts that can help them develop as individuals. The organization provides a supportive environment where members can discuss their beliefs without judgment.

The Masonic experience encourages self-reflection and personal development. Members are challenged to examine their values, beliefs, and goals in life. The goal is for each member to become the best version of themselves they can be.

This type of individual growth benefits not only the member but also society as a whole by creating more thoughtful and compassionate citizens who strive to make positive changes in the world through their actions. Philosophical exploration within a community like Freemasonry has proven beneficial to many members who seek deeper meaning and greater fulfillment in life.

Criticisms Of Exclusivity And Lack Of Transparency

Through the teachings and rituals of Freemasonry, individuals can experience personal growth in various aspects of their lives. The organization provides a platform for members to learn about important values such as brotherhood, charity, and morality. Furthermore, the fraternity offers opportunities for networking with like-minded individuals from different backgrounds.

However, despite these benefits, Freemasonry has faced criticism over its exclusivity and lack of transparency.

Some people argue that the organization is elitist due to its membership requirements which include being male and requiring belief in a higher power. This critique suggests that it may be difficult or impossible for certain individuals to join and benefit from the teachings and opportunities provided by the Masonic lodge.

Additionally, there have been concerns raised about secrecy within the organization; some critics claim that it is not always clear what goes on during meetings or how decisions are made at higher levels. As a result, this lack of transparency has led to accusations of hidden agendas or ulterior motives behind Masonic activities.

To better understand these criticisms, here are four key points regarding exclusivity critiques and transparency issues:

  1. Membership requirements limit diversity: By only allowing men who believe in a higher power to join, Freemasonry excludes women and non-believers.
  2. Secrecy creates suspicion: Without full disclosure about decision-making processes or meeting content, outsiders may assume nefarious intentions.
  3. Limited accountability: With little external oversight or regulation, internal practices may go unchecked.
  4. Perceived preferential treatment: Due to close relationships between Masons, some feel they receive unfair advantages in business dealings.

These critiques highlight potential areas for improvement within the organization’s structure and culture. While many members find value in their experiences with Freemasonry, addressing these concerns could help make the fraternity more accessible and transparent to those outside its walls.

Examining Values And Ethics Within Freemasonry

Like a guiding compass, values and ethics serve as the cornerstone of Freemasonry. These fundamental principles are not only taught within the lodge but also embodied by its members in their daily lives. The fraternity upholds timeless virtues such as honesty, integrity, charity, and respect for others regardless of differences.

However, one area where there has been much debate is the role of women in Freemasonry. While some Masonic orders have opened their doors to women, others still maintain that it is a male-only organization. This issue raises questions about diversity and inclusion in the fraternity.

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Many believe that inclusivity would strengthen the brotherhood while preserving its traditions and core values. Ultimately, whether to admit women or not remains a contentious topic among Masons worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Process For Joining Freemasonry?

Joining Freemasonry involves a process that entails several steps.

First, one has to express their interest in becoming a member of the organization. This typically involves reaching out to an existing member or lodge and expressing your desire to join.

Once you have expressed your interest, you will be required to submit an application form for consideration by the members of the lodge.

If accepted, you will then undergo a series of interviews before being initiated into the fraternity.

Joining Freemasonry comes with benefits such as access to valuable resources and connections, but it also comes with responsibilities such as upholding its values and supporting fellow members in need.

What Are The Fees Associated With Being A Freemason?

Membership cost is an important consideration when joining a fraternal organization such as Freemasonry.

Although there are fees associated with being a member, many lodges offer financial assistance to those who need it.

It’s important to do your research and find out the specific costs for your local lodge before deciding if this is the right path for you.

However, don’t let finances be the only factor in your decision-making process – consider all aspects of what it means to be a part of this community.

Are Women Allowed To Join Freemasonry?

Women have faced many challenges when it comes to joining Freemasonry.

The history of Freemasonry is deeply rooted in traditions that do not allow women to join, and attempts at changing this policy face resistance from some members.

However, there are a few organizations that allow both men and women to become members.

Despite the obstacles, many women see value in becoming part of this community and treasure the opportunities for personal growth and service they find within its ranks.

Does Freemasonry Have Any Political Affiliations?

Freemasonry has been a subject of controversy for years, with some people alleging that it has political affiliations. However, the organization maintains that it is not involved in politics and does not endorse any political parties or candidates.

Freemasonry is based on certain principles such as brotherhood, charity, and truth. Its symbols are deeply rooted in history and tradition, which makes them important to members.

Despite the controversies surrounding the organization, many individuals still find value in being part of this fraternity.

Are There Any Age Restrictions For Joining Freemasonry?

There are age restrictions for joining Freemasonry, with most lodges requiring candidates to be at least 18 years old. However, some jurisdictions may allow individuals as young as 16 to join with parental consent.

Despite common misconceptions about the organization being exclusive and secretive, there are several benefits to becoming a Freemason such as opportunities for personal growth, charity work, and fraternal bonds.


In conclusion, becoming a Freemason can provide individuals with an enriching experience filled with brotherhood and personal growth. However, there are also potential downsides to consider such as fees and time commitments.

It is important for individuals to thoroughly research and reflect on their decision before committing to joining.

One interesting statistic is that according to the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, in 2020, over 1.3 million men were members of Freemasonry worldwide. This highlights the widespread appeal of the organization despite its secretive nature.

Ultimately, whether or not being a Freemason is right for you will depend on your personal values and goals.

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20 Pros and Cons of Being a Freemason | Ablison (2024)


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