19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (2024)

This is a list of 19 exercises in a chair to stay active when you’re deskbound.

As things go, if you want to perform well in sports it’s important to reduce the effects of sitting throughout the day.

These exercises are excellent to improve blood circulation, activate your postural muscles, and prevent back & shoulder pain.

I use them myself when I feel stiff, mostly in my shoulder girdle. They help me to relax and renew my focus.

I share leg exercises in a chair, core exercises, and many more.

Each of the exercises in a chair comes with an explanation and sharp visuals.

So you can try them right away.

Are you ready to move in your chair?

  1. Posture While Sitting at Work
  2. How to Respond to Pain and Discomfort
  3. Neck Exercises in Chair
    1. Say Yes
    2. Lateral Flexions
    3. Cervical Rotation
    4. Head Circles
  4. Shoulder Exercises in Chair
    1. Trapezius Stretch
    2. Thoracic Flexion-Extension
    3. Spinal Twist.
    4. Shoulder Girdle Protraction-Retraction
    5. Shoulder Press
  5. Core Exercises in Chair
    1. Chair Dance
    2. Knee Raise
    3. Almost Get Up
  6. Leg Exercises in Chair
    1. Leg Extension
    2. Floor Squeeze
    3. Ankle Pumps
  7. Bonus Exercises in Chair
    1. Deep Breathing
    2. Forearm Flexor Stretch
    3. Forearm Extensor Stretch
  8. Closing Note

Posture While Sitting at Work

The exercises in chair below are excellent to stay active while you’re deskbound.

Still, besides doing these exercises it’s important to keep a straight posture. As a result, you prevent unnecessary stress on your joints.

Do you know what’s great?

Doing exercises in your chair requires you to sit up straight. Even more so, activating your muscles helps you sit up straight easier.

It’s a virtuous circle!

In this blog on how to fix your sitting posture, I explain everything you need to know to improve your sitting posture (it includes many stretches & exercises).

How to Respond to Pain and Discomfort

Do you feel discomfort when you do these exercises in a chair?

If you feel stinging or radiating pain, that’s your limit. Don’t move further in that exercise, or stop entirely.

When you feel a bit of discomfort. A dull ache, an intense stretch, or a little burn, that’s all ok. As long as the intensity of the pain is not more than 3/10. Where 0 is no pain at all and 10 is the most pain you ever felt.

If your discomfort is more than 3/10 it’s time stop.

If you have questions about the exercises comment below this blog.

Neck Exercises in Chair

Your neck is often the first area that is affected by sitting at work.

In my case this is true. What about you?

When you look at your screen your neck compensates for your round upper back, and because of its great mobility, it ends up feeling stiff first.

Luckily, after you returned to sit up straight, there are 4 easy exercises in a chair that you can do right away.

1.Say Yes

Sit up straight and look ahead of you. On exhalation bring your chin to your chest. And after that, on inhalation move your head slowly back as far as you can. Make sure that before you let your head fall into your neck, you retract your cervical spine.

  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (1)
  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (2)

Repeat 8-15x while you use your breath to guide your speed.

Take care of your neck if it’s is hurting already. Moving your head into end positions can provoke pain. Therefore, only move until the pain. Never force, and never move past the pain.

Ready for the next exercise?

2. Lateral Flexions

Similar to the Yes-No exercise, but now you move your head from left to right while looking ahead.

Start by sitting up straight and by resting your hands in your lap. Relax your shoulder girdle and look in front of you.

Now, move your head from left to right. Keep your posture straight and make sure you only move your neck. At the end of the movement, you’ll notice a stretch in your opposite trapezius muscle. Once you feel that the stretch prevents you from moving further, repeat your movement on the other side.

Repeat this exercise 5-10x on each side.

  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (3)
  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (4)

3.Cervical Rotation

For cervical rotations, get into the same starting position as the two other neck exercises in a chair.

Rotate your head left and right as far as you can while keeping your eyes at the same height. Move until you feel that the stretch on the other side stops yours from moving further.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (6)

4.Head Circles

Last but not least: head circles.

Before your start, this is 1 of the exercises in a chair that might provoke discomfort and cracking of your joints.

That’s why it’s smart to start very slow.

First, sit in the same position as the other in chair exercises for the neck. Then, bring your chin to your chest. After, move your right ear to your right shoulder. Continue this movement until your head is in your neck, your left ear moved to your left shoulder, and you’re back with your chin on your chest.

Repeat this movement 1-5x on each side.

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Shoulder Exercises in Chair

Do your shoulders round forward when you sit?

You can prevent this. Try to pull your shoulders back whenever you can.

Your shoulders are essential in sports like swimming, tennis, volleyball, basketball, and rock climbing. But that’s not all.

Did you know that even when you run or play soccer a stiff or injured shoulder can have consequences for the way you move?

Your hip muscles, for example, might compensate for the lack of movement in your shoulder. Which as a result, influences the way you run or kick.

Thus, it’s beneficial to keep your shoulders free and relaxed. Move them often at work, so that they don’t trouble you when you do your favorite sport after.

1.Trapezius Stretch

Everyone that sits at a desk often knows this muscle.

Don’t you know the trapezius? Then you’ve felt it.

I’m sure.

The trapezius muscles elevate your shoulder girdle and are first-responders when you feel stressed. Besides that, when you sit, they get stiff quickly when you don’t keep your shoulders back.

Stretch this muscle to loosen it up.

Sit up straight and look in front of you. Hold your seat with your right hand and pull your right shoulder down. Lay your left hand on your right ear and when you exhale pull your head left. Breathe deep and move further on each exhalation.

Hold for 3-6 deep breaths then move to the other side.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (9)

2.Thoracic Flexion & Extension

Start by sitting up straight and lay your hands on the opposite shoulder.

Bend your upper back but keep your neck and lower back straight. Flex your thoracic spine as far as you can then extend as far as you can.

Breathe out when you bend, breathe in when you extend.

Repeat 8-15x.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (11)

3.Spinal Twist

Put each leg on a side of the left corner of your chair. Rotate to the left and grab your back support. On exhalation twist further.

With your dedication to twisting as far as possible, it’s easy to bend your back. Prevent this from happening.

Focus and keep your posture straight.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (13)

4. Shoulder Girdle Protraction & Retraction

Rest your hands on the leg on the same side. Sit up straight and on inhalation pull your shoulder girdle back and down. On exhalation let go and move your shoulders forward.

Concentrate on tensioning the muscles between your shoulder blades when you retract your shoulders. When you move forward to do this without tension.

Repeat 8-15 times.

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5. Shoulder Press

Time to raise those hands!

Bring your hands next to your ears with your hand palms facing forward.

Start by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then, move your hands up over your head until they touch. Keep them facing forward all the time.

Bring your hands back to the starting position.

Repeat 8-15x.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (16)

Core Exercises in Chair

Tension in your care helps you to sit up straight.

Moreover, a strong core helps to prevent back injuries.

This doesn’t mean you need to flex your abs like Arnold Schwarzenegger all the time.

Activating your abdomen will increase the tension of the muscles, also when you don’t consciously contract them.

Thus, the key is, to regularly train your core. Both in your chair as when you train or work-out.

1.Pelvic Nutation & Contra Nutation

Sit at the front of your chair with your back straight. Place your hands off your hips.

To do this exercise, move your pelvis forward and backward. Use your hands to guide the movement.

Repeat 8-15x.

19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (17)

2. Chair Dance

Are you ready to dance?

I know, this exercise might seem strange to your colleagues.

But of all the exercises in a chair, I think it’s the most efficient one. Because it combines mobility with tension.

If you have a chair with wheels, hold on to the desk and move the chair in circles beneath you.

If you don’t have a chair with wheels (like in the gif), make circles with your upper body over your pelvis. It’s the same movement, but another part of the body that makes it.

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3.Knee Raise

Sit at the front of your chair and hold your hands 10-20cm above your knees.

Sit-up straight and pull your belly button in 1-3cm. This creates tension in your abdomen.

Raise your knee towards your hand while you keep your posture in the same position. Move your knee back down and do the same on the other side.

Repeat 8-15x on each side.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (20)

4.Almost Get-up

For this in chair exercise, stay at the front of your chair.

Put your hands on your sides and move your upper body forward. Stand up, but only until you lose touch with the chair. Then, sit down again in a controlled fashion.

Repeat 8-15x.

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Leg Exercises in Chair

You barely use your legs when you sit. As a result, your leg muscles become inactive and weaken. To make sure your legs stay active to move them often below your desk.

The beautiful thing about these exercises is that you can do them while you work.

1. Leg Extension

While you work, sit up straight and extend your knee as far as you can. Hold for 3 seconds and move your leg back down. Repeat on the other side.

That’s all!

Do 8-15x on each side.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (23)

2.Floor Squeeze

Sit at the front of your chair. Sit up straight and press your feet into the floor as fierce as you can.

While you keep the pressing down on the floor rotate your feet out. As if you were to open the floor up (this exercise is best done with shoes because they add more friction to your movement).

Move back to the starting position and relax.

Repeat 8-15x.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (25)

3.Ankle Pumps

Press your toes on the floor and move your heels up. Then move your heels down and your toes up.

It’s that simple!

This exercise is great to improve blood circulation to the lower parts of your legs and feet.

Repeat 15x.

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  • 19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (27)

Bonus Exercises in Chair

Here are 3 bonus exercises in a chair. They’re easy to do and deep breathing helps you to relax. Besides that, the forearm stretches are great to prevent repetitive strain injuries (RSI) from using your mouse a lot.

1.Deep Breathing

Sit up straight with 1 hand on your chest and 1 hand on your stomach.

Inhale as deep as you can while you focus on pressing your hands as far out as you can.

Exhale by letting go entirely. Force the remainder of the air out of your lungs.

Repeat 5-10x.

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2.Forearm Flexor Stretch

Keep your shoulders down while you extend 1 arm in front of you. Face your hand palm up.

Grab the extended hand with the other and pull it down. Hold for 30 seconds and then do the same on the other side.

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3. Forearm Extensor Stretch

Do the same as with the previous exercise in a chair. What you do differently now is, facing your hand palm down. Then, make a fist with your thumb inside.

Grab the fist, rotate it out and pull it back. Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat it on the other side.

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Closing Note

These were 19 exercises in a chair.

Even though, it’s a large number don’t feel forced to do all. Select the ones you like most from each section and do them throughout your working day.

If you grow tired of an exercise, return to this blog and select another one.

And remember, if you can get up, get up! Walking is always better than sitting.

Now my question to you.

What do you struggle most with to stay active throughout the day? Did these exercises in chair solve your problem? Or, is there something else you’d like help with?

Write a comment below and tell me.

19 Exercises in Chair to Stay Active When You’re Deskbound - Blog (2024)


What exercise can I do while sitting at a desk? ›

This stagnant existence has led to office fitness, commonly called "desk exercises." These are the ten best exercises to do at your desk.
  1. Hand and Finger Stretches. ...
  2. Neck Rotations. ...
  3. Abdominal Stretches. ...
  4. Hip Flexions. ...
  5. Leg Extensions. ...
  6. Toe Raises. ...
  7. Chair Squats. ...
  8. Elevated Push-ups.

How do I counteract sitting at my desk all day? ›

Get off your chair, give your eyes a break from the computer, drink a glass of water, and do some light walking or stretching. It's also beneficial to go stand by a window and gaze outside for a few minutes to give the eye muscles a break. Are there ways to offset the hours spent sitting?

Do chair exercises really work? ›

That means a push-up from a chair will still effectively work your chest muscles, shoulders, and triceps, while a plank from a chair will still fire up your entire core. So if you're looking for a strengthen the core workout, chair exercises can help deliver.

What is the best exercise while sitting? ›

Seated leg lift

Get some movement in your legs and abdominal muscles with this exercise. Sit straight up and close to the edge of your chair. Hold onto the side of the seat and lean back, keeping your spine as straight as possible. Lift both legs up a few inches off the ground and place them back on the floor.

How can I flatten my stomach while sitting at my desk? ›

Easy Ab Crunches

Sit on the front of your chair with your legs together, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, feet flat on the ground, arms up and bent at the elbows with fingers interlaced behind your head. Engage your core and lean back until your back grazes your chair back. Keep your back straight and your abs engaged.

How many hours should you sit at a desk? ›

According to the charity Just Stand, the following thresholds determine a person's risk of developing health problems due to sitting: Low risk: Sitting for less than 4 hours per day. Medium risk: Sitting for 4–8 hours per day. High risk: Sitting for 8–11 hours per day.

How long should you sit in an office chair? ›

So the best advice is to move from your desk every 20-30 minutes, even if you only stand for a few seconds or walk for a few paces.

What is best way to lose weight sitting at desk for 8 hours? ›

9 ways to burn calories at work
  1. Quick bursts of cardio. One easy, fast way to get your heart rate up is with some jumping jacks. ...
  2. Office Yoga. Try desk yoga with seated half moon pose. ...
  3. Chair Lunges. ...
  4. Desk Push-ups. ...
  5. Use the stairs. ...
  6. Exercise Ball Chair. ...
  7. Go ahead and fidget. ...
  8. Engage the booty.
Dec 7, 2022

How long is too long to sit at a desk? ›

People who sit for more than four hours per day lead a sedentary lifestyle. This includes adults who exercise regularly after work. Even just one hour of sustained sitting causes blood to pool in the legs. Risks begin to manifest for those who stand more than four hours per day.

How much exercise to counteract sitting all day? ›

Getting just 22 minutes of daily exercise can offset the health risks brought on by a sedentary lifestyle. New research shows people who spend more than 12 hours a day sitting have a 38% increased risk of death—if they don't get at least 22 minutes of exercise each day.

How much exercise to reverse sitting all day? ›

The research findings based on fitness trackers closely align with new World Health Organization guidelines, which recommend 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity, or 75-150 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity, every week to counter sedentary behavior.

What is an example of active sitting? ›

"Active sitting, consisting of modified chairs or stability balls, allows the body to stay dynamic while seated." One of the earliest forms of active sitting is the common rocking chair which allows forward and backward swaying motion.

How do you sit in a chair normally? ›

Your knees and feet should be spread wide apart and you should have good foot contact with the floor- no tucking your legs under the chair. You should adjust your chair high and sit toward the front of the seat pan with your knees dropped much lower than your thighs with an open trunk to thigh angle.

How do you sit continuously? ›

Control your breath flow by singing long tones.

After doing lip trills, sing a note softly, then slowly increase the volume. Practice getting softer, louder, then softer again. This exercise can help you stay on pitch while also strengthening your breath control.


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.